Liquor (Stephen Curry)

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For The1999Writer

"All I wanna do is drink and fuck..."

Stephen's hazel eyes danced around the club, searching relentlessly for his lady of the night. The worldwide known "Baby-faced Assassin" was more lethal behind closed doors than the three-point line. After each win, the superstar would venture to local clubs, bars or strip clubs and find a woman who would do anything for a night with the MVP.

Oddly enough, it began at the beginning of the current season. Ayesha was home more, taking care of their daughters and he found the need to release far more often than she would allow. The man loved his wife but he was in love with the power he had over countless women night after night.

Stephen leaned back on the bar, throwing back a shot of Louis XIII and carefully scanning each woman who passed by. He had a hunger for the sweet, keep to themselves type. Why? Because they were usually the freakiest ones who never told a soul about their steamy encounters.

Around midnight, he noticed his next victim entering the packed club. She was shorter than himself, maybe 5'7 at the most, brown skinned and hair curled around her heart-shaped face. The young woman entering the club alone puzzled Stephen. She was too beautiful to be alone.

His eyes were trained on her every move, taking note of her ignoring the attention of men trying to persuade her to dance with them. Making her way through the throng of bodies to the bar, she quickly locked eyes with him. Stephen, turning on the charm, smiled slowly in her direction. He expected the usual blush and giggle but received neither. Instead, the point guard was gifted with an eye roll and her middle finger.

Stephen couldn't help the surprised laugh that spilled from his plump lips. Did she know who he was? He waited a few moments, taking another shot, before leaving the bar and going on the prowl for his mystery girl. She was clearly feisty and he wanted a taste of her.

His search didn't take long, she was sitting on the sofa towards the back of the club. An empty shot glass perched next to a shattered iPhone screen caught his attention immediately. Stephen took his place next to her, not allowing her time to protest.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing back here alone?" he drawled out, clearly irritating the young woman.

"Minding my own business, maybe you should give it a shot, Curry." Her voice sounded heavenly, despite the coldness of her tone. It was as silky as her skin. He had to hear it again.

"You know who I am?" He wasn't surprised but cockiness wasn't his style, at least not at the moment.

"I'd have to live under a rock to not know you. What do you want?"

"Tell me your name?" By now, every woman had their legs wrapped around his waist. He never cared to know their names or any more than their oral skills.

"Look, Curry, I don't have time for your shit. I'm here trying to get over a breakup from my dumbass boyfriend, I'm not here to get chased down by ballers or any other assholes in here. So can you let me drink and be miserable in peace?"

Stephen took another look at the woman, smirk grazing his lips. She was exactly what he needed for the night and he was going to make her see his side of things, whether she knew it or not. In the snap of his fingers, a bartender was by their sides.

"A few rounds of shots please, the lovely lady needs to let loose tonight." He continued to smirk as the shots lined the table in front of them. The young woman looked over at him, clearly disgusted but took one nonetheless.

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