Late Night Special (Stephen Curry)

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For ratedblake, who slays my soul with her imagines.


It was 9PM and Tionna was still in her office, taking care of some last minute paperwork for her boss. She worked for the publicist team for the Golden State Warriors and could not have found a better job. She got to travel frequently, the pay was mind blowing and she got to be around one of the sexiest men on the planet. Unfortunately, the job also came with late hours and little time for herself or her boyfriend.

Tionna sighed, typing a few more notes from the press conference from earlier. The Warriors, despite winning the NBA Finals, were not favorites to repeat. Not only that, but the team was receiving backlash from their opponents who complained they were just lucky. They were all frustrated and each had different opinions. She had already been overwhelmed by the media response to Klay's comments but Steph's sarcastic remarks drew even more attention.

Which is why Tionna found herself stuck in Oracle Arena hours passed quitting time. She had watched the man roll his eyes and sarcastically apologize for their accolades. She couldn't blame him though, he was tired of his team being scolded for performing well. She did, however, wish he had talked to her before opening his mouth.

In the middle of her third paragraph, there was a light knock on her door. The young woman thought everyone had gone home for the night but she was wrong. She stopped typing as the door opened, revealing the man who had partially caused her late night.

"Steph, what are you still doing here? You should be home with Yesh and the kids," she honestly cared about the man and his well-being. He had been staying late more frequently, along with Klay and Draymond, working on drills and defensive plays.

"So should you," his hazel eyes scanned her body from where he stood. He stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. Her breath hitched as he moved in closer, making himself comfortable on the edge of her desk.

"I have some things to take care of first," her fingers shakily danced over her keyboard and her cheeks began to heat up as his eyes never left her body. To say she was attracted to the man was an understatement. Tionna had countless fantasies of the MVP taking her from behind on this very desk and making her scream until she was hoarse. She knew the feelings were wrong and being friends with his wife only made the guilt churn in her stomach but she couldn't stop the feelings.

Steph smirked down at the slightly younger woman and raised an eyebrow, amused by her stumbling fingers. He knew she had a thing for him and he couldn't lie and say he didn't find himself jerking off to thoughts of her while in the shower. He had lost count of the amount of times he fantasized about her wrapping her thighs around his hips as he thrusted into her. Her screaming his name and allowing him to fuck her until she couldn't move. But it was just a fantasy.

His eyes roamed over her beautiful face, not a single blemish to be found. She had natural beauty without all of the makeup. His gaze descended down her neck and to the bit of cleavage peeking from the blouse she was wearing. No matter how tastefully she dressed, she always managed to turn him on. Hell, she could wear overalls and he'd still find her sexy as ever.

"Steph? Steph? Are you listening to me?" her angelic voice snapped his thoughts and he looked into her eyes. She was clearly facing the same internal battle he was.

"What'd you say?" his voice was husky and he leaned in closer to her, catching a whiff of her favorite perfume.

"It's getting late and I'm sure my boyfriend and Yesh are worried," she stood from her chair and logged off her desktop. Tionna only being 5'4 made her eye level with the point guard and they were less than a foot apart. Steph closed his eyes, forgetting she had a boyfriend but he obviously wasn't taking care of her if she was checking for him on a daily basis.

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