Not a Bad Thing (Klay Thompson)

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torilayne32, I took a different approach to yours but I hope you enjoy it! I had a lot of fun writing it

Klay rolled his eyes at his girlfriend as she tapped her pencil repeatedly against her notebook. It was one of his pet peeves and it drove him mad. He looked up when the sound stopped and saw her biting the end of a pen, showing her deep dimples. He couldn't help but smile at how cute she could be at times, without even trying.

Tori looked up from her homework and saw Klay staring at her, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. He rarely smiled but when he did, it made her heart skip a beat. She smiled back at him and he left his post in the kitchen to join her in their living room. He picked up one of her textbooks, glancing through theories and facts.

His forehead wrinkled in confusion as he tried to make sense of some examples provided. Tori studied his profile and got lost in her thoughts. The two had been together for almost two years now and she had fallen completely in love with the man. He was her rock, her support system, her friend and her lover. She knew she could always count on him, even when he was on the road.

Klay felt a level of comfort with Tori that he had never felt with any of the girls he had gone out with previously. She loved the simple things in life and loved him for him. She was hard-working, determined, strong, beautiful, and confident and he fell more in love with her every day. She was the face he loved seeing every night before he fell asleep and when he got up in the morning.

She encouraged him to be more open and vocal with those around him. She was everything he wasn't and more. The fact that she let him borrow her heart made his own beat faster when he thought of a future for them. Klay may seem like basketball was his only love but that was far from true.

There were days where he would rather be cuddled up with his beautiful girlfriend, watching movies and eating popcorn. He finally understood what Steph meant when he shouted out Ayesha for being the real MVP. Tori was that to him. She worked full-time for a children's services center while completing her Master's degree. She also took care of his home, Rocco and kept things running smoothly.

He would never understand how she managed it all but she was his personal superwoman. There wasn't anything Tori couldn't do and he was always happy to show her appreciation. From the flowers he sent to her job to the countless amounts of jewelry and gift sets. He loved seeing the blush in her cheeks whenever she opened one of his love letters or when she smelled the roses he sent her.

Klay was losing himself but in the best way possible. He was completely in love with Tori and it wasn't a bad thing at all. He knew things had changed when he stopped partying with his teammates and started spending more time at home with his love and Rocco.

A couple of the guys teased him for letting her change him but in reality, he was changing on his own. He wasn't interested sitting in clubs, hitting on random jersey chasers and gaining lipstick stains on his shirts. His perfect night was now relaxing in the pool with Tori and making love to her through the night.

The recent changes in Klay had not gone unnoticed by the media, his family or his friends. Which is why Mychal and Steph were not surprised when he called them, asking them to help him find the perfect ring for Tori. He spent weeks searching for the ring she deserved and getting it engraved.

Klay was ready to settle down and grow with Tori. Even though he was only 25 years-old, he knew she was his happily ever after. She would be the mother of his children, his life partner and his forever.

"Klay? Baby, you in there?" Tori tapped his nose a couple of times, trying to wake him from his daydream. She smiled, showing the dimples he loved so much.

"Oh yeah, I was just thinking..." Klay looked around nervously. He was ready to do it. He had to do it now before he lost his confidence.

"Are you sure, you've been spaced out for a while," Tori's face held a worried expression. Her caring nature only made him even surer of himself.

"Tori, there's something I need to do." Klay pulled her off of the couch and out to the pool. The sun was setting and the lights where on in the pool in the middle of his home. The setting was breath taking and this was the perfect time.

"What is it Klay?" Tori asked, hoping everything was okay.

"Tori...I've been thinking long and hard about this. Just hear me out okay? I gave to do this now," Tori started to become worried but remained silent.

"Baby, I love you. I know we've both had some rocky relationships in the past but baby I thank God every day for him sending you to me. I was never really interested in love or relationships because I thought I'd always end up used or hurt. I remember after our first few months together, I wanted to run away because of how afraid I felt. I was falling in love for the first time and I was so confused.

I wanted to throw up, run away and sleep with other women to forget you. But at the same time, I wanted to stay and hold you, take you on romantic vacations and spend our days off planning a future together. You have graciously let me borrow your heart, making me promise not to break it. But baby, I don't want to borrow it anymore."

Klay went down to one knee and reached into his pocket. Tori was already crying from his words and seeing this made her realize what he was doing.

"Tori, I want to have your heart. If you let me, I want to make all of your dreams come true and more. I'm not perfect by any means but you look past all of my flaws and love me for me. I want to be the one you love for eternity, the one you grow old with and create a family with. I never understood what Steph meant when he said Ayesha was his MVP but I see it now. Tori, you're my MVP. You do so much and I appreciate every little thing you do.

I appreciate you remembering my favorite meals, keeping the house in order, taking care of Rocco and just being you. You are my MVP, VIP and everything in between. I love you and I can't see myself loving anyone else the way I love you. Tori, will you continue to make me one of the happiest men in the world and marry me?"

Tori was in tears but managed a "Yes!" in between her sobs.

Klay opened the Tiffany and Co. box, showing a beautiful three-stoned ring. The center diamond was a princess cut and there was his birthstone on the right and hers on the left. Before placing it on her finger, he read the engraved message to her.

"I'll forever be your right hand and partner for life. And I mean that Tori, behind every great man is an even better woman but baby, you deserve to be front and center. I will be the one to support and love you, even when times are hard. I'm not always the easiest man to get along with but never forget, I won't stop loving you."

He slipped the ring onto her finger and stood up. Tori jumped into his arms and kissed him passionately. She finally realized it's not a bad thing to fall in love and she would continue to fall well into their future together.

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