December 5th - 12:11pm

26 4 0



Subject: Not a morning person, except when he is.

Cass, I may have been wrong about Rowan. He is a morning person. Sometimes. We may or may not have drifted close to each other in the night, and it could almost be called cuddling if you squint. It was dreamy. He was cheerful and chatty and cute when he was wrapped up in blankets. As soon as he was unwrapped, things changed.

It probably didn't help that we were running very late since neither of us remembered to set an alarm. We enjoyed a soft quiet morning before either of us checked our phones. Me screaming "Shit!" when I saw the time really ruined the mood.

We barely made it out of the room in time for checkout. We did not have the chance to get breakfast. We both felt like we were doing the walk of shame when we pulled into Timmies wearing day old clothes. His suit looked better than my slept-in pants, but sweats with fancy high heels is a fashion choice I'm not totally comfortable with making.

I was very surprised by some of the things I learned yesterday. I mean, he turned down the chance to have a threesome to awkwardly share a bed with me. It ended up being not awkward, but he didn't know that when he turned it down. And that's when he still planned to sleep on the floor. I didn't think men existed that didn't want a threesome with two models. I suppose there's hope for the world yet.

Also, he's got tattoos. I don't know why I'm so surprised about this one, but I am. (More importantly, I learned I am really into ink). He also loves talking in an accent (he does a bunch, he makes a game of it when he's forced to meet strangers he doesn't think he'll see again), and no surprise here, I am totally into the accents.

Mos critically, he now has a special nickname for me. He calls me Cinders. I don't know why, but I thought he started doing it to tease me, but now I think maybe he's flirting? Whatever the reason, I like it. I love the way he says it and the way it makes me feel, and I know it's stupid, but I don't care.

He's incredibly sweet and charming, and we had another Christmas date that was a total trainwreck, but seemed to make even more memories than the perfectly executed date would've.

And yes, I've taken to calling them dates even though we are not dating. Sue me. But don't really, I'm in enough trouble as it is. I can't afford to get carried away by my feelings. He's made it obvious he doesn't feel the same way.  

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