December 8th - 2:03am

23 2 0



Subject: It's possible these dates are going to be the death of us

Well, Cass, our spur of the moment plans today included a trip to the Festival of Lights. Which was great until the lights went out. Then it became less fun, when I was worried I would walk into trees, or trip and fall and just generally embarrass myself.

So naturally, I did.

I guess it was my turn to get injured today. I fell, smashed my knee, and can now barely move it. It'll be fine, but work is going to suck with 1.5 knees.

Also, Rowan undressed me.

Specifically, he undressed the bottom half of my left leg, but still. It was gentle and painful and not sexy at all. I had a towel wrapped around my waist so he didn't see anything extra because I AM A LADY.

It was very sweet of him when he called the cab to meet us at my house, so no one could gossip about us. I know for a fact Mrs. Rawson was peeking out her windows when I got home, but all she would have seen was Rowan driving my car in, helping me up the stairs, and turning right around to get in the cab.

No hug, no kiss, no funny business. I will not be one of the girls she gossips about in relation to Rowan.

He mentioned that he put up a punching bag today. Suddenly he's got a need to hit something. By the sounds of it, he uses it when he's frustrated. I want to know what's bothering him. I just hope it's not me bothering him with these dates. If it's because I've got him all hot and bothered... well, I can live with that. Don't know what to do about it, but it sure would make me feel good about myself. But there's no way it's that, so...

Anyways, we're going to a Christmas concert on Friday. It should be fun. For me. He doesn't really like Christmas music. But I don't like swimming in freezing water, so I think it's fair.

P.S. My knee looks like yours did when you tried to do the back flip on the sidewalk. 

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