Chapter 1 (Edited)

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Firehouse 22, Quantico Virginia 

Alexa sat in the front seat of her blue Honda Civic outside her firehouse. She felt heartbroken, lost, and as if nothing felt real. Alexa felt this way since she got the call of a gunshot victim, along with her childhood address. Nothing could've prepared her for the scene she walked into, it all felt like a blur as if it were all happening in slow motion. 

She saw the federal SUVs when she pulled up to the house, she heard someone calling her name distantly as she ran towards the front door. She found her dad cradling her little brother Jack on the floor in the living room. It was one of the only times she saw her dad cry, Alexa walked towards the kitchen noticing the blood trail, and followed it to find her mom...

Alexa's eyes watered as she fought her tears, the ginger shook the thought before she stepped out of her car and walked toward the door to the firehouse. Alexa let out a shakey bereath before stepping inside before shift change making her way down the halls toward Chief Achers's office. She wasn't due back to work until next week, giving her time with her family and time to grieve. Her mom's funeral was later this afternoon. In all honestly though Alexa couldn't stay after that call, her mom's death. No... murder, not being able to save her, and she didn't wanna be in the house anymore. It used to feel more like home when her mom was in it. 

"Alexa, how are you holding up? I'm really sorry to hear about your mom, if there's anything you need just let us know." Chief Archer said sympathetically. "Thanks and I'm taking things day by day..." Alexa replied going quiet for a moment as she pulled a few papers out of the bag on her shoulder. 

Alexa handed him the pages, "Look I've loved this job for the last 3 years, put 100% on each call we get; but I think... It's time for me, to start a new chapter," she said causing her chief to pause stunned by what she was saying as he read the transfer papers she handed him. "And you're sure about this? why don't you take a week or two just to think this over," Chief Archer replied. 

"I appreciate that Chief, but my mind is made up. A fresh start is what I need right now, please," Alexa asked him. He held his gaze with hers for a moment before he picked up a pen and signed the documents. "You always have a place here at 22, and we're gonna miss you," he said to her as he handed her the transfer papers. "Thank you chief, and I'll miss you guys too. Thank you again," Alexa said taking the papers and sending him a small smile before she made her way out of his office. 

Alexa faxed the transfer forms off before she made her way to her locker gathering all her stuff. She made her way out of the station. Not wanting to make her departure from 22 a big deal, mostly for the fact she couldn't handle a going away party right now. She didn't wanna be around anyone, not friends, work colleagues, not even her on and off boyfriend for the last year Derek. 

She distanced herself from everyone since that day, Alexa avoided the house as much as she could. She couldn't look her dad in the eyes knowing she couldn't save Mom and Jack didn't fully understand what was going on only that Mom wasn't coming home again. 

Hotchner Family Residence, Quantico Virginia

Alexa pulled into the driveway noticing her dad's car there along with Derek's truck and the rest of her dad's team's vehicles. The ginger switched the car off stepped out, and started making her way inside. A part of her wanted to get back in her car and drive away, she just wanted to be alone, so she could sob until she fell asleep hoping the pain and memory of her mom dead on the kitchen floor would disappear. 

Alexa paused in front of the door shaking the memory before she opened the door and stepped inside. She could hear talking coming from the living room as soon as she stepped inside shutting the door behind her. The ginger took her shoes off making her way upstairs to her room, "Alexa is that you?" her dad called hearing the door shut. "Yeah," she replied from halfway up the stairs. "You're not changed," he said more than asked standing in the doorway to the living room wearing a black suit. "I'm going to get changed now, I'll be quick," she said as he sent her a look she couldn't quite read. 

Almost like he was worried, but nodded. "We're gonna start heading to the cemetery in 10 minutes," her dad's voice was soft and she could hear the pain in his words. Alexa nodded, "I'll be ready," she said softly before walking up the stairs fighting the tears in her eyes. The entire time she got changed all she could think about was in the next hour she'd be lowering a wooden box in the ground that held her mom. Alexa tried to remember what the last thing she said to her mom was but she couldn't remember for the life of her what the words were. 

Was it something important? Was it saying she loved her? Alexa wished she could have Spencer's eidetic memory so she would know. A soft knock sounded on her door pulling her from her thoughts as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Alexa had a black dress on that ended just above her knees along with a pair of knee high black boots. "Come in," Alexa said looking over to the door as it opened slightly. 

Emily stood in the doorway, "Hey I just wanted to come check on you, see if you were ready," the dark haired woman asked. Alexa nodded, I'm ready to go," she said wiping away a stray tear before walking toward the door. She went to walk out the door when she noticed JJ  standing in the hallway with her. "I know you may not wanna talk about what happened right now, but if you ever want to talk we're here for you Alexa," JJ said to Alexa before she pulled her into a hug. "Thanks, I appreciate that," the ginger replied as JJ let her go only to have Emily hug her. 

"We should get going," Emily said after a moment after she let go of the hug. Alexa made her way downstairs wondering where everyone went. "They're gonna meet us there," Derek said appearing from the hallway. Alexa didn't know what to say so she just nodded, "How are you doing baby girl?" Derek asked. The ginger bit her lower lip to stop it from quivering as she tried to fight her tears. "i have... no words," she said barely above a whisper as her eyes watered with tears. 

Alexa sniffled as Derek wiped a stray tear that fell down her cheek before he pulled her into a hug. "Here, maybe you should drive," Alexa said breaking the hug after a moment to hand him her car keys. 


Sorry for the very emotional chapter, I fully admit I sobbed a few times while writing this chapter. Thank you all so much for your love and support on this book already. Don't forget to comment on what you think of the book so far, and vote on your favorite chapters. 


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