Chapter 12 (Edited)

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Firehouse 51, Chicago Illinois 

Everyone filed into the morning briefing room at the beginning of shift taking a seat. Brett looked around the room for Alexa wondering why she wasn't here yet. From what Antonio told her they had the shooter in custody. 

Gabby took a seat next to Sylvie, "Have you seen Hotchner?" she asked as Chief Boden walked into the room. The brunette shook her head no, "Good morning everyone," Chief said walking to the front of the room. "So as you may have heard the shooter that threatened Hotchner is in CPD custody and is on his way to a federal prison downstate," Chief said as the room erupted into cheers and applause. 

"Chief? Where is Hotchner?" Brett asked him, the room fell silent looking around for the ginger who was absent. "Hotchner decided she needed some time to process everything and asked to take the shift off," Boden replied. "Is she okay?" Brett asked their chief. "I heard she shot him," Otis said. "Otis," Lieutenant Casey said and shook his head no. "I know Hotchner hasn't been with us long but she is still a part of the 51 family.." Chief said, "what can we do to help Chief?" Gabby asked him. "I can jump on Ambo until Alexa gets back, if that's okay lieutenant?" Gabby asked Casey who nodded. "Absolutely," he replied. The morning briefing was dismissed and Brett walked out of the room going to call her partner. 

BAU Privet Jet

Alexa spent most of the flight in the bathroom throwing up before she appeared walking over to the couch and lying down. "How are you feeling gorgeous?" Derek asked as he lifted her legs and sat down resting them on his lap. "Absolutely horrible, I keep getting hit with waves of nausea," she replied.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked her, "I can make you some tea, there should be lemon ginger here somewhere," Spencer said getting up from his seat and heading to the coffee nook. "I'm okay thanks Spencer," Alexa said sending him a small smile before looking at Derek. "There's 1 thing," she replied causing him to look at her. "Name it," he replied. "Please don't ever hand me a loaded gun again... I- i" Alexa closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath.

Derek took her hands in his bringing them to his lips and placed a kiss on them. "It won't happen again, because I never wanna see you in a position where you need to hold one again," Derek said leaning forward to kiss her. "My breath probably smells- I. Don't. Care." Derek said kissing her lips in between words. "You know I love you right?" he said more then asked breaking the kiss after a moment. "I love you too," Alexa said with a smile pressing her lips to his again.

"Here," Spencer said causing her to break the kiss noticing he held a mug of tea out to her. "It's lemon, and ginger with a bit of honey so it's not so bitter. The ginger should help settle your stomach," Spencer said with a smile as Alexa accepted the mug. "Thank you, Spence," she said as he went back to his seat.

"I've been meaning to ask, What book are you reading right now?" Spencer asked her. "I started a fantasy fiction novel called Kingdom of the Wicked, it's so good. I forgot about reality for a while, when I read it..." Alexa said honestly. "What's it about?" Emily asked, "It's about a witch that grew up hearing horror stories from her grandmother about princes of Hell and dark magic. Her twin sister ends up getting murdered and she teams up with Wrath, one of the princes of Hell to avenge her sister's death," Alexa replied.

"Can I read it after you?" JJ asked, "Same here, that sounds interesting," Spencer said. "Sure I can lend it to you when I finish the book," she replied as her phone rang from her pocket. The ginger pulled the device out noticing Brett was calling her. 

Alexa pressed answer putting the phone to her ear, "Morning," she said into the line. "Hey, how are you holding up?" her partner asked through the line. "I've had better nights, if I'm gonna be honest," she replied not really sure what to say. "If you need anything let me know, after shift do you wanna grab a drink at Molly's?" her partner asked. 

"Sounds like a plan, but we might have to rein check for when I get back from Virginia after the weekend," Alexa replied. "Yeah we can grab a drink when you get back, you are planning to come back right?" her partner asked worried. "I'll be back next shift, I promise," Alexa replied as dispatch sounded over the PA system in the background of the call. 

"I gotta get going but I'll message you," Brett said through the line. "Talk to you later, stay safe. Keep your badge off the wall," Alexa said. "I will," her partner replied before Alexa hung up. "Sylvie?" Drek said more than asked as Alexa nodded. 

"Who's Sylvie?" Spencer asked looking at Derek and Alexa, "she's my ambo partner, on 61," she replied. "You two seem to be getting along well..." her dad said with a smile, "We are she's really sweet. She called to check in on me, after last night and we had a girl's night before shit hit the fan," Alexa said. "Language," her dad said sending her a look. "Sorry," she replied looking at her dad. 

Alexa sighed, "I need a vacation...." the ginger said, "Where would you go?" her dad asked her from his seat across the jet. "Somewhere warm and tropical with a beach and margaritas," Alexa replied. "I hear Bora Bora's nice this time of year," JJ said, "Or Hawaii," Emily added. "We'll be landing soon, Alexa are you coming back to the house?" her dad asked as she nodded. 

"yeah, I might take a nap for a few hours when we get back though," she replied. "That's alright," her dad replied as the jet started to descend in Virginia. "How do you feel about me taking you out on a date tonight?" Derek asked her. Alexa paused looking at him a little surprised, "A date?" she asked him in return. "Why do you sound surprised?" he asked reading her instantly. "Things have been so hectic lately I was just not expecting that," she replied. 

Derek smiled and softly kissed her lips, "So, what do you say to dinner?" he asked her softly looking into her eyes. A smile pulled on her lips as she nodded her head slightly, "yeah?" he asked with a smirk before pressing another kiss on her lips. "Yes," she said with a smile afterward. 

The plane landed on the tarmac and everyone got up from their seats gabbing their bags and departed the jet. "I'll see you for dinner at 6?" Derek asked her before they went their separate ways. "Sounds perfect," she replied as leaned in and kissed him. "I love you," he said after they broke the kiss, "I love you too," she replied kissing him one more time before she went with her dad; heading back to the house. 

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