Chapter 9 (Edited)

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128 South Pulaski, Chicago Illinois.

The man shot three more times into her patients chest, Alexa sat back in shock trying to back away from the man terrified. The man watched her with a cold blank stare, walking towards her and pointed the gun at her. "Give me your I.D." The man ordered, "What?" she asked confused as he loaded the gun this time. "GIVE ME YOUR ID!" he demanded as Alexa pulled her wallet out and handed it to him. "Not a word, Alexa Hotchner," her replied before he walked away with her wallet. 

Alexa sat on the ground in complete shock trying to understand what the Hell just happened. After what felt like seconds Brett came running down the alley with a stretcher and backboard. "Hey Cops are on their way," she said setting the backboard next to their patient. Alexa felt frozen in place, "What the Hell happened here?" Brett asked Alexa after noticing 5 more gunshot wounds in the man's chest. 

"H-he just r-ran up," Alexa said still stunned, "Who?" Brett asked her. The man on the ground coughed in pain causing both Alexa and Brett to look at him. "Oh. My. God," Alexa said looking at the man next to her. "He's bleeding out, We gotta get pressure on the wounds, Alexa get the gauze," Brett told her as she stayed stunned. "Alexa the gauze," Bett said again pulling her from her thoughts. 

The ginger scrambled over to the jump bag and handed her a few rolls of gauze and bandages. "W-we gotta get h-him out of here," Alexa's voice shook as they lifted the man on the backboard and onto the stretcher. The two started rolling him out of the alley and to the ambo. Alexa climbed in the back of the rig and they took off towards the hospital. 

Halfway there the man flatlined and Alexa immediately started doing compressions the rest of the ride to the ED but knew there was nothing more they could do other than call time of death. 

Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois 

Alexa stood at the nurses station trying to fill out the paperwork but her mind kept going back to the man that appeared out of nowhere. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! The gunshots echoed through her mind. "Need a hand?" Brett asked her walking over, "No, I got it," Alexa replied turning her focus back to the paper. "The police are on their way and I called Boden," Brett replied. 

Alexa nodded quietly while she filled out the papers, "Hey Apil have you seen the cops yet?" Brett asked the nurse who shook her head no. "Not yet sorry," she replied, "How's our patient?" Brett asked. "He didn't make it," she said before she walked off. That's when reality set in, she was a witness to a murder. "he knows where I live," Alexa said barely above a whisper to her partner. "I know," she replied softly, "what am I gonna do?" she asked him. "The cops will be here soon, and you can always call your dad. Or Derek," Brett replied. 

"Hey Antonio, this is Alexa. Alexa this is Detective Antonio Dawson and Detective Jay Halstead." Brett told her. "Why don't we step in here and talk?" Detective Halstead offered leading her, Brett, and Antonio into a break room.

"Wanna take a seat?" Antonio offered as Alexa shook her head no. "So wanna give us a run through of what happened?" Detective Halstead asked and she told them everything from finding their patient to the man that walked up, a description of the man, and how he threatened her with a gun to stay quiet and took off with her ID. Detective Halstead gave her his card telling her if she remembered anything else to give them a call. 

Firehouse 51, Chicago Illinois 

"Alexa, Brett. Are you okay?" Chief Boden asked walking over to them along with Lieutenant Casey and Severide. Alexa nodded not sure what to say. "We're okay," Brett replied, "We can take 61 out of service and call in floaters if either of you need to take the shift off," Chief Boden offered looking at Alexa. 

"I'd rather stay on shift chief, keep busy if that's okay?" Alexa asked him, "If either of you need to talk my doors open," Boden replied looking at Alexa who nodded and walked towards the locker room. The ginger pulled out her phone and dialed a number, the line rang twice before it was picked up. 

"Hey sweetheart, how's your shift going?" her dad asked already knowing her work schedule. Alexa took a sharp breath, "i um..." Her voice was shaky and cracked as she shook. "What's going on Alexa?" her dad asked his tone serious and worried. She took a deep breath and told her dad about what happened. Tears started falling from her eyes when she told him about the man getting shot and how he turned the gun on her and took ID. "I'll be there in an hour, I love you Alexa," Her dad said through the line. "I love you too Dad," was all Alexa said before she hung up and made her way to the common room. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Severide asked as she poured herself a coffee. Alexa looked at him and nodded. The Lieutenant sent her an unconvinced look, "You don't have to carry it all, you know," He replied after a moment. "I'll keep that in mind," Alexa replied as she went to take a seat at the small round table next to Gabby and Brett. 

"Ambulance 61, Truck 81, Squad 3, structure fire 2300 Irving Park Road," Dispatch called over the P.A. system. Alexa and Brett took off towards the apparatus floor climbing into the ambo, before taking off down the driveway towards the accident scene. 

2300 Irving Park Road, Chicago Illinois

There were already 3 other truck companies on the scene when Ambo 61 rolled up. Alexa and Brett hopped out grabbing the stretcher from the back of the rig as firefighters carried over a female victim that had 3rd degree burns over 50 % of her body. Alexa immediately grabbed the intubation kit wanting to get the tube in before the burns caused her throat to swell shut. 

"Got it," Alexa said as Brett checked for lung sounds. "You're in, let's get her to Med," Brett said as the lifted the patient into the back of the ambo and took off to med. 

Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois 

Brett was filling out the paperwork after they dropped their patient off in the ED. While Alexa went to bring the stretcher back to the rig and check if they were low on gauze. The ginger walked the stretcher out to the back of the ambo loading it inside. Alexa felt eyes on her causing her to climb out of the ambo and shut the door looking around the emergency entrance to the hospital that was empty other than an Ambulances rolling in and out. 

Alexa started making her way back inside when she noticed a hooded figure at the other end of the parking lot walking towards her. Within a second his pace started going faster as Alexa started jogging towards the doors to the ED noticing the man was running faster and she recognised him from the scene earlier. 

He was the shooter, Alexa looked back in his direction only to run into Brett. "Whoa, Whoa What's wrong?" Brett asked her as Alexa looked around for the hooded man panicking. "Sylvie, he knows. He knows we went to the cops," she said still looking around for the man who was suddenly gone. "Let's get back to 51," Sylvie suggested. 

Alexa practically ran to the Ambo and they took off from the hospital, "Maybe you should call your dad," Brett said halfway back to the house. "i did, he's on his way from Virginia," she replied.  

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