Chapter 25 (Edited)

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Alexa Hotchner's Apartment, Bucktown Chicago

Alexa stood in the kitchen making herself a coffee while talking to JJ and Emily over the phone. They ended up calling while she was brewing her coffee. "So how's your shoulder?" Emily asked, "It's good, I can't wait for this stupid sling to come off though," Alexa replied as she made her coffee. The call was on speaker due to the fact she only had 1 hand. 

"When does it get to come off?" JJ asked, "Another 2-4 weeks depending on how your shoulder heals, is that coffee?" Will asked appearing in the kitchen. "Good Morning, coffee's fresh," Alexa replied as Will grabbed a mug from the cabinet and kissed her cheek before pouring himself a coffee "Whose that?" Emily asked as he went to take his coffee out of the room sending her a smirk as he went over to the couch. 

"Umm, that's Will," Alexa replied softly. "As in? Your doctor?" JJ asked, "Where are you? I thought you were at home?" Emily asked as Alexa went quiet. "i am... I've been kinda... see him," Alexa replied. "What? That's awesome!" Emily replied happily "When did you two- a few days after Dad and Jack left. We've been hanging out nonstop for almost a week, we had an incredible first date last night too," Alexa replied keeping her voice down as she smiled noticing Will went back to the bedroom.

"I want details- whose that?" JJ started to say as Spencer's voice came through the phone. "Alexa," Emily replied. "Hey, Alexa! How's it going? How's your shoulder?" Spencer asked. "Hey Spencer, I'm doing good, my shoulders healing slowly. How are you?" she asked. "That's good, are you still icing it? it should help the healing process," Spencer replied as Alexa noticed Will came back wearing his jeans, belt, and no shirt not that Alexa minded the view. "No, I haven't been icing it. I thought you were only supposed to ice injuries for the first 24- 48 hours after an injury and only for 15 minutes at a time," Alexa replied. 

"Why don't you ask your doctor?" Emily said with a suggestive tone. "Doctor what doctor? Hey guys, Garcia found a lead," Spencer started to say as Derek's voice came over the line. "I'll let you guys go do your thing, give me a call later when you wrap up the case," Alexa replied. "Sounds good," Emily replied, "We want details when we talk next," JJ replied causing Alexa to chuckle. "Okay, talk to you guys later. Tell my dad I said Hey and I love him," she replied. "We Will," JJ replied as they said goodbye and ended the call. 

Alexa took her coffee making her way into the living room, and took a seat on the couch next to Will. "You haven't been icing your shoulder?" he asked her as she shook her head No realizing he heard that. "That's why your shoulders aching and stiff," Will replied as he set his mug down on the coffee table before he stood up and made his way into the kitchen. "Do you have any ice?" he asked. "I don't think so," Alexa replied as Will walked back into the room and made his way over to the apartment door. "Where are you going?" Alexa asked confused noticing he slipped his shoes on but didn't grab a shirt. "I'm gonna go see if Jay has some ice, he usually does with his job, I'll be right back," Will said disappearing before she could protest. 

Will walked down the hall and knocked on Jay's door, after a moment the door swung open "Will? what are you doing here?" Jay asked confused as he opened the door. "Did you lose your shirt on the way over?" Jay added. "Haha, do you have any ice by any chance?" Will replied earning a shrug from Jay. "I don't know, why don't you look," he replied as Will walked in and over to the kitchen. "You okay?" Jay asked his older brother as he stood in the doorway to the kitchen. "Yeah, I'm good. Alexa's shoulder's bothering her and she hasn't been icing it," Will explained as he pulled out a large zip-lock bag and filled it with ice from the ice trays. 

"Alexa?" Jay said more then asked sending him a smirk, "So that's been you I've heard over the last week- Don't," was all Will said shutting the freezer and walking past Jay who had a massive smirk on his face. "Thanks for the ice," Will called back as he made his way to the door. "Say hey to Alexa for me," Jay replied before the door shut. 

Alexa was still sitting on the couch when Will came back holding a large zip-lock bag of ice. "You didn't have to do that," Alexa said as he shut the door, kicked his shoes off, and walked over to the couch. "I would have done this sooner if you'd mentioned you weren't icing it. I'm gonna grab some bags of ice for you before I get back from work," Will replied as he gently placed the ice on her shoulder. "Thank you," Alexa said softly as Will smiled and kissed her forehead. "Anytime babe," his words caused Alexa to blush as he sat down on the couch next to her and put his arm around her. 

2 Days Later...

BAU Office, FBI Academy, Quantico Virginia

Hotch made his way into his office after the team wrapped up their case in Tennesee. He wanted to finish up some paperwork since Jack would already be asleep by now. As the unit chief walked into his office and over to his desk he noticed an envelope sitting in the middle of his desk 'Agent Hotchner' was written across the front of the envelope. 

Confusion crossed his features as he set his go bag down next to his desk and picked up the envelope that contained photos. He looked at the first photo noticing it was Alexa and Jack running around at the CFD picnic in Chicago, The second photo was of Alexa looking at cake in a bakery and the third photo was of Alexa and a tall ginger he recognized at her doctor from the ED in Chicago. They were sitting in a restaurant eating dessert smiling at each other.  

Confusion and worry washed over him as he looked at the back of the photo's noticing the one of Alexa at a bakery had a message on the back 'Think you can save her this time?' along with an unforgettable symbol of a triangle with an eye inside. George Foyet, The Boston Reaper and the serial killer that killed Hailey. 

Hotch went pail as he picked up his phone and tried to call Alexa only to have the call go to voicemail. "Hey Alexa, it's Dad can you call me back when you get this? It's important. I love you, talk to you soon," he said before he hung up the call and left his office getting a bad gut feeling. Hotch walked out of his office noticing Garcia was at Morgan's desk along with the rest of the team who looked like they were about to leave for the night. "Hang on, have any of you heard from Alexa today?" Hotch asked causing the agents to shake their heads no. "Not for a couple of days why?" JJ asked. "George Foyet, sent me photos of Alexa and a note," He replied causing the team to freeze at his words. 

"I can't get ahold of her phone- I'll start tracking her phone now," Garcia said the moment Hotch mentioned he couldn't get ahold of Alexa. "I'll notify the local authorities to stop by her apartment and check on her," JJ replied. "What did the note say?" Reid asked as Hotch handed him the envelope of photos and the note. "Looks like we're heading to Chicago," Rossi said picking up his go bag off the floor along with the rest of the team.


Hey everyone I hope you liked chapter 25, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. I'm hoping to have Chapter 26 written and edited by the end of today and hopefully posted by tonight at the latest chapter 26 will be posted next Saturday ( April 27th, 2024). Thank you so much for all the love and support on this story <3


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