Chapter 5 (Edited)

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Firehouse 51, Chicago Illinois 

Alexa sat in the back of the ambo going over inventory again around noon after half a dozen calls over the morning. "Hey, I think it's really cool your dad's a unit chief in the FBI. I just wasn't expecting that answer," Brett said from next to her. 

Alexa nodded and smirked, "I get that, it's usually a conversation stopper for most," she replied still going over inventory. "So what does your dad do in the FBI?" Brett asked causing Alexa to look up at her. "He's a profiler, so he goes over a criminal's behavior, looks at the way a criminal commits their crimes. Whether they're organized and planned things out or if it was disorganized, not planned. And he's really good at reading people, he can tell you what color socks you wear without looking and explain why you wear them," Alexa replied with a smile. 

Brett smiled, "That's kind of impressive," she replied. "It is, until your read like an open book because of the way you said good morning," Alexa replied finishing off their inventory log. Brett and Alexa made their way into the firehouse and into the common room. The ginger went to make a cup of coffee when her phone buzzed in her pocket, she pulled the device out noticing Derek was calling her. Alexa sent the call to voicemail putting her phone back in her pocket as she took a seat next to Brett and Gabby. 

"So whose Derek?" Brett asked her causing Alexa to look up, "He called twice on the way to the last scene," Brett replied. "Is he your boyfriend?" Gabby asked as she took a sip of her coffee. "It's... complicated," Alexa replied as she took a sip of her coffee. 

"Hey, Alexa right?" a tall blonde lieutenant asked, Casey she recalled his name. "Yeah, what's up Lieutenant Casey?" she replied. "There's a couple offical looking guys on the app floor looking for you," he replied causing Alexa to set her coffee down and make her way to the app floor. Halfway across the garage, Alexa paused noticing her dad standing in one of the bay doors with Derek. 

Alexa made her way over to them, her footsteps causing them to look at her. Before she could say a word her dad pulled her into a hug, "I missed you," he said before letting her go. "I missed you too, what are you doing here? and how did you know where I'd- You tracked my phone?" Alexa said more than asked her dad. "You up and took off while we were out of town on a case, not to mention you've been dodging my calls, we were worried about you," Derek said as he handed her a bouquet of roses she didn't notice he had. 

Alexa was surprised as she looked at the dozen roses, "I'm sorry I left without talking to either of you," she said keeping her gaze on the petals on each rose. "How's 51 treating you?" her dad asked her. "Really good, busier than 22." Alexa replied, "How are you feeling?" her dad asked more about how she was coping than anything else. "Taking things day by day, starting to get my appetite back- Ambulance 61, man down. Unknown causes, West Grant and Augusta blvd," Dispatch said over the intercom. 

Alexa looked at her dad and Derek before pulling her keys out of her pocket and handing her spare apartment key to her dad. "I'm off shift in the morning at 7, my apartments 2B 1628 West Washington Blvd. Save Garcia the trouble," Alexa said knowing Penelope could easily find her new address. 

"Hotchner, You coming?" Brett asked as she headed to the ambo. "Yeah, I gotta go but we'll talk in the morning after shift," The ginger said heading over to the ambo. "Oh and thank you for the flowers," Alexa said to Derek as she walked around the ambo and climbed into the rig setting the flowers down between her and Brett. 

The blonde sent her a smug smile looking at the roses and Alexa as she took off down the driveway. "Are you really gonna make me ask?" Brett said glancing at her, then to the flowers before focusing back on the road. "The flowers are from Derek," Alexa replied causing a look from the blonde. "As in it's complicated Derek?" she asked with a smirk, and Alexa to chuckle and looked at the flowers with a smile. 

"Yeah," Alexa replied, "Who was the man in the suit? he looked like a lawyer or something," Brett replied. "That was my dad," Alexa replied earning a surprised look from her partner. "Wow, what's he doing here?" she asked. Alexa was quiet for a second. "I might have up and moved out of Virginia while he was out of town on a case," Alexa said. Brett was quiet as she kept her eyes on the road, "So you just left... Without a word?" she asked looking at her for a moment. "No, I left my dad and Derek a letter saying I was leaving and heading here to Chicago," Alexa replied. 

West Grant and Augusta Blvd, Chicago Illinois

The ambo pulled to a stop, "So they're here to bring you back to Virginia?" Brett asked her as Alexa shrugged. "They were worried about how I up and left," she replied. "Look I've had a lot of crappy partners before you, and I'd be really sad to see you go," Brett said as they got out of the ambo. "I just got here and I'm not planning to leave anytime soon, plus I signed a 1 year lease on my apartment," Alexa added as she grabbed the jump bag from the back of the rig. 

"Help, over here," A panicked teenager yelled causing Alexa and Brett to follow the brown haired teenage girl into an alley where they found a young boy around her age. "We were heading to the store to pick up a few things when we heard gunshots. We used the alley to hide, but a bullet came out of nowhere," the girl said as Alexa knelt on the ground next to the young boy. 

The ginger pulled gauze out of the jump bag after putting gloves on and she started packing the wound with gauze to stop the bleeding. Brett was calling ahead to Med about the GSW victim they were bringing in. Alexa and Brett loaded their patient into the back of the rig and they took off towards the hospital. "He's gonna be okay right?" the young teenage girl asked from beside Alexa who had to intubate the boy and breathe for him. "He's in really good hands," Alexa replied as the memory of her mom lying on the kitchen floor, bleeding from 3 gunshot wounds. 

Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois

Alexa shook the thought as the rig came to a stop and Brett opened the back of the ambo. She helped wheel the patient out of the rig and into the ED where Maggie had Dr. Halstead and Nurse April take their patient to a treatment room. "What do we got?" The tall ginger doctor asked. "Male 16, GSW to the abdomen, I managed to slow the bleeding and had to intubate in the field," Alexa replied. "You did good," Dr. Halstead said to her and Brett before heading into the treatment room. 

Alexa went to toss her blood covered gloves and paused at the reminder of how much blood, her mom's lifeless body was. "You okay?" Brett asked noticing Alexa zoned out, "Yea, I'm gonna go start on the patient transfer, if you wanna restock the ambo?" Alexa suggested. "Sure, are you sure you're okay?" Brett asked earning a smile and nod. "I'm good," Alexa said again reassuring her partner. 

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