Chapter 10 (Edited)

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Firehouse 51, Chicago Illinois

The ambo rolled into the firehouse and the bay doors shut behind the rig. Alexa and Brett stepped out of the ambo making their way inside. Alexa paused inside the doors to the firehouse, relieved by who she was greeted by. Her dad and Derek stood in the hallway, Alexa instantly walked over to Derek and hugged him tightly. "Hey baby girl," he said kissing her forehead and holding her in a hug. 

"You okay?" her dad asked as she let go of her hug with Derek and hugged him. "Hey, Antonio, Jay," Brett said as the two detectives walked in. "Alexa, Sylvie is there somewhere we can talk?" Antonio asked. Brett and Alexa walked over to the morning briefing room followed by the detectives, her dad, and Derek. "What's this about?" her dad asked. 

"Detective Jay Halstead, Detective Antonio Dawson. C.P.D we're here because we managed to ID you GSW victim. He's a member of a crew out of Detroit, " Antonio replied. "They came here to pull a job. It went sideways somehow, and now one of them is on a warpath, there's 3 crew members dead already," Jay said. 

Alexa let out a shaky breath, "You recognize any of these guys?" Antonio asked handing her a tablet containing 6 photos. Alexa scanned the photos pausing on the 2nd last guy zooming in. She swallowed hard recognizing him, "that's him," she said handing the tablet back to him as both detectives went quiet. "He's the shooter? The one who threatened you? You're sure?" Detective Halstead asked her. 

Alexa nodded, "Who is this guy?" Derek asked. "His name is Dale Kjorven. We need to make sure he never gets that close to you again," Antonio replied as Alexa felt sick with anxiety and fear. Derek placed a hand on her shoulder lightly squeezing it trying to reassure her. Her dad pulled out his phone. 

"You'll have round the clock police protection until we catch him," Detective Halstead said. "Thank you, Detective's, would it be alright if I came down to the station to talk to your sergeant?" her dad asked them. The detectives exchanged confused looks, "Sure, but can I ask why?" Antonio replied. "I'm unit chief agent Aaron Hotchcher with the FBI's behavioral analysis unit. And we'll be helping in your investigation to find Dale Kjorven. I already have our tech analyst running his background and finding where this guy would hide," he replied. 

"Hotch, if it's okay I'm gonna stay here with Alexa," Derek said as her dad nodded. "Don't go anywhere without Morgan or one of us please," her dad said pulling her into a hug. "I won't, I love you," Alexa replied. "I love you too," he replied before following the detectives out of the room. 

"Are you hungry?" Brett asked looking at Alexa who shook her head no. "I'm not really hungry, mostly nauseous," she replied with a sigh. The rest of the shift Alexa kept going over the call in her head, the gun being shoved in her face. She barely ate over dinner or really said much, most of the house made their way to the bunk room around 11, but Alexa couldn't sleep even if she wanted to. 

"Hey red gorgeous, what's going on in that pretty mind of yours?" Derek asked taking a seat next to her in the common room. Alexa let out a sigh, "I've been going over the call in my head all day... He came out of nowhere and just shot him, 5 times..." Alexa said with a blank stare. Derek took her hands in his bringing them to his lips and kissing them. "I'm really sorry you went through that babe, but I'm really glad you're opening up more, and that you called your dad," he said. "I feel like I'm nothing but bad luck lately. Like I'm tainted or something," Alexa replied with a sigh as she rested her head on Derek's shoulder. 

"Listen to me red velvet, you aren't bad luck or tainted. You're just going through a rough patch, but you don't have to do it alone. Why don't you lay down and try to get some rest," he suggested as Alexa lay down on the couch with her head in Derek's lap. She closed her eyes taking a few deep breaths as he started running his fingers through her hair, causing her to relax a bit. "I love you," she said softly to him before she fell asleep. 

After what felt like seconds Alexa woke up gasping and looking around making sure the hooded man wasn't around. "You okay?" Alexa turned her head noticing Derek was on the couch next to her while Gabby and Brett made themself some coffee. Alexa took a few deep breaths pushing away the thought of the man from the alley and the gun he shoved in her face before he took off with her ID. 

Alexa nodded, "just a bad dream," she replied softly before she pushed herself off the couch and over to the coffee machine. "Here," Brett said handing her a mug of freshly brewed coffee. "Thank you," the ginger said thankful for the caffeine. "Gabby and I were talking and how do you feel about having a wine night with us tonight?" Brett offered. "We can order pizza, I'm buying," Gabby offered. Alexa nodded, her mom and she would have wine nights whenever Alexa had a rough shift. 

Alexa Hotchner's Apartment Chicago Illinois 

Alexa stood in the living room holding a glass of white wine in her hand as Gabby and Brett sat on the couch with the Black Hawk's game playing and a box of Chicago deep dish pizza. Derek sat in one of the armchairs watching the game. 

Alexa walked over to the window looking out at the street, she noticed a police cruiser parked across the street from her building. "We're gonna catch him," Derek said walking over to her and noticing what she was looking at. 

Alexa was glad in all honesty she called her dad, having him and Derek around made her feel safer. The ginger nodded and made her way to the kitchen to pour another glass of wine, her phone buzzed silently on the counter next to her. 

'Unknown Number' flashed across the screen, Alexa furrowed her eyebrows and picked the phone up. She hesitantly answered the call placing the device to her ear. "Hello?" Alexa asked through the line. "The cops can't watch you forever, Alexa Hotchner," the familiar voice said causing her to freeze as he hung up. 

"Hey, you okay?" Gabby asked her noticing the fear on Alexa's face. "Who was it?" Derek asked walking over to her. "it was him," Alexa said trying to keep her voice steady. Derek walked over and Alexa handed him her phone. He looked over the recent calls before he pulled out his phone. "I'm gonna see if I can get Garcia to track the number," Derek said holding the device to his ear. 

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