Chapter 20 (Edited) (Longer Chapter)

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Alexa Hotchner's Apartment, Bucktown Chicago Illinois 

A little before noon Alexa, her dad, and the rest of the BAU made their way into the apartment. "Here, get comfy." her dad said adjusting a couple of pillows on the couch, as Alexa walked over taking a seat after she kicked her shoes off at the door. "How's the shoulder feeling?" her dad asked. "Achy and sore," she replied. "I can grab you some Tylenol?" JJ offered pulling a small bottle out of her purse, before heading over to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. 

"Here," JJ said handing Alexa a red round pill and the bottle of water. She took the pill and went to set the bottle on the table that was slightly out of reach. Her dad took the bottle and set it on the table for her. "How are you feeling?" her dad asked referring to everything that happened recently. "i... don't know," Alexa replied with a sigh still confused about everything. She felt confused and lost since her mom's death. "Wanna talk about it?" her dad asked from next to her on the couch. "not really... i'm still trying to process everything," Alexa replied honestly earning a nod from her dad. 

"It's a lot for anyone to try and process, but if you ever want to talk we're here for you," Penelope said. "You don't have to go through this on your own," JJ added. "Why don't you try to get some rest?" her dad suggested. It didn't take long for Alexa to drift off to sleep on the couch exhausted. 

Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois 

Will stood at the nurse's station in the E.D. looking through one of his patient's blood panels that got sent back. "Hey man, how's it going?" The voice caused Will to look up noticing his younger brother Jay standing on the other side of the counter. "Not bad, how about you?" Will asked, "I'm good, I was wondering if you knew where Alexa Hotchner's room is?" Jay asked. "She got discharged a couple of hours ago, why? Is everything okay?" Will asked him. "Yeah, I just have to get her statement about the crash," Jay replied sending him a look. 

Will nodded looking back at Jay, "Dr. Halstead, incoming trauma. Treatment 4" Maggie called to the ginger. "Gotta go, say hey to Alexa for me," Will said before running over to the treatment room. 

Alexa Hotchner's Apartment, Bucktown Chicago Illinois

After Alexa fell asleep her dad made his way into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee when something on the floor under the edge of the stove caught his eye. He knelt down and picked it up noticing it was a shard of glass before he tossed it in the garbage. 

He started brewing a pot of coffee as JJ walked into the kitchen going to grab a mug from the cabinet for herself and Hotch when she noticed there were none. JJ checked a few other cabinets noticing there were no mugs, cups, plates, or bowls. "You might wanna hold off on that coffee," JJ said causing Hotch to look at her confused then at the empty cabinets. 

"There's no coffee?" Spencer asked walking into the kitchen with Penelope. "There's coffee... just no mugs," JJ replied. "I swear Alexa had mugs, the last time we were here," Penelope replied. "6 actually, along with 7 bowls, 6 plates, and 5 cups," Spencer listed from memory. "You keep track of how many dishes Alexa has?" Penelope asked him surprised. "There's a man in California he's a minimalist and only owns 79 things, including his boxers" Spencer replied as a knock sounded on the apartment door. 

Spencer, JJ, Penelope, and Hotch made their way into the living room noticing Derek and Emily answered the door. "Detective Halstead, nice to see you again. To what do we owe the visit?" Emily asked him. "Agents, I was looking for Alexa Hotchner. I was hoping to get her statement on the crash with 61?" the detective replied looking at Emily and Derek. 

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