Chapter 17 (Edited)

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Alexa Hotchner's Apartment, Bucktown Chicago Illinois 

Alexa spent most of the next day in bed with the curtains closed until she realized it was nearly 7 pm and she should get up. Even if it's just for an hour or so, with a sigh she got changed into a pair of blue jeans and her 'Washington' sweater before she took her phone, keys, wallet, and heading out of her apartment. Alexa took the sidewalk up the street towards Molly's not wanting to drive there with how much she was planning to drink. 

Molly's Bar, Bucktown Chicago Illinois

As Alexa walked into the bar she hoped Gabby would be working or Sylvie would her here tonight. The ginger made her way over to the bar noticing Herrman at first and Gabby near the other end of the bar talking to Sylvie and Antonio. 

Alexa made her way over to Sylvie taking a seat on the empty bar stool next to her. Gabby sent her a confused look, "I'm surprised to see you here, I thought you had family coming into the city this weekend?" Gabby asked her causing Sylvie to look next to her. "My dad caught a case, can I have 2 tequila shots please?" Alexa asked her. "How'd your date go last night at least?" Sylvie asked as Gabby poured the shots. 

Alexa went to answer her but paused looking at Antonio, Gabby said something in Spanish to him Alexa didn't quite catch and Antonio nodded and walked away. "you were saying," Gabby replied. "The date didn't happen, He got called onto that case with my dad," Alexa replied. "So are you gonna plan something for after he closes the case?" Sylvie asked as Gabby set the shots on the counter in front of Alexa. "No," she replied before throwing back one of the shots noticing both Gabby and Syvie's confusion, "I would, but we... broke up," Alexa replied before downing the second shot. 

Gabby and Sylvie were stunned, "Are you okay?" Sylvie asked. Alexa just shrugged, "I'll live... Gabby can I get another 2, please? Just start a tab for me," Alexa replied as Gabby nodded pouring 2 more tequila shots. "How about we have a girl's night tomorrow?" Gabby suggested. "That sounds great except for the part where we gotta go to shift on Monday and I'd rather not have a hangover," Alexa replied. "What about after shift? We can go to a club?" Sylvie suggested. "I love the idea of a girl's night, but I'm not really a club kinda girl," Alexa replied honestly as Gabby handed her the shots. 

Alexa downed another shot as her phone rang in her pocket, the ginger pulled the device out noticing 'Emily's' name flash across the caller ID. Alexa got up from her seat and made her way to the small hall outside the bathrooms before she answered the call not wanting to yell over the music and other talking in the bar. 

"Hey," Alexa said answering the call, "Hey, how are things going? How are you doing?" Emily asked trying to hide the worry in her voice but Alexa heard it. "I'm... good," she replied causing Emily to go quiet. "We heard about your date night last night, I'm really sorry Alexa" Emily said. "We had a good run... I'll always care about him, but...maybe... it's time to let him go," Alexa said her voice dropping to nearly a whisper. 

Emily was quiet for a minute, "You're saying... you two are - Done. For good this time," Alexa replied fighting back the tears welling up in her eyes. "He's been in a bad mood since we left, I don't think he's taking it well," Emily said causing Alexa to hold back a scoff irritatedly. "Why is he sulking when he literally dumped me?" Alexa replied. "Hey, you okay?" Sylvie asked popping her head around the corner. "Yeah, I'm good I'll be back in a second," Alexa said and silently showed her the phone earning a nod from her partner before she disappeared. 

"Are you at work?" Emily asked, "No, I'm at a bar down the road from the apartment grabbing some drinks with work friends, can you call me back when you get a chance tomorrow? I'll be home all day and we can actually talk," Alexa suggested. "Yeah, sounds good. Also when we wrap up this case JJ, Penelope and I are dropping by for a girl's night." Emily replied causing Alexa to break a smile. "Sounds like a plan, talk to you tomorrow, bye Em" Alexa said before she hung up the call and returned to her seat at the bar.

The moment she sat down to take her last shot setting the empty glass on the table. As the night went on Sylvie ended up sneaking out of Molly's with Antonio, while Alexa and Gabby just talked about anything that would take her mind off everything. "Hey, how's the hand?" Will asked walking up to the bar and pausing next to her as he waited to order a drink. "It's healing..." Alexa said trying to cover her embarrassment over the fact that he and Jay heard her dramatic meltdown. "That's good," Will said with a smile as Alexa sent him a nod noting Gabby was at the other end of the bar talking to Herrman. 

"Look, could you and Jay not say anything about... last night, That was... so embarrassing," Alexa said keeping her voice down. "I wasn't gonna say anything and I'll let Jay know but I doubt he'd say anything... Plus you really have nothing to be embarrassed about, a lot of us kinda expected it for a while," Will replied causing Alexa to send him a confused look. "What do you mean?" she replied, "The CFD gossips more than the nurses at Med," Will replied looking at her. "So everyone knows about my mom?" she said more than asked as WIll sent her a sad but silent nod. "Great," Alexa said shaking her head. "You don't have to carry it on your own, if you don't wanna lean on your friends, I'm around to talk or listen if you need," Will offered sending her a soft smile. "Thank you," Alexa said softly. "Doctor Halstead, what can I get for you?" Gabby asked him as she walked over. 

Alexa ended up paying her tab shortly after her conversation with Will. She said goodbye to Gabby, Matt, and Kelly who were all sitting at the bar when she went to leave. The ginger walked out of the bar and started walking towards the apartment. "Alexa, Wait up..." She paused looking behind her noticing Jay jogging over to her. "You left your debit card at the bar, here," Jay said handing her the card. "Oh, thanks," Alexa replied taking the card and putting it in her pocket. "Are you walking back?" Jay said more than asked her earning a nod from Alexa who had already started walking again. 

Jay seemed surprised by her answer and shook his head and started keeping pace with Alexa walking beside her. "What are you doing?" Alexa asked him confused, "Walking you back to the building, you shouldn't walk around the City by yourself," Jay replied. "I can see the building from here, You don't have to walk me back," Alexa replied as they both kept walking to the building. 

Alexa paused in front of the doors to the apartment building, "Thanks for walking me back," she said. "Anytime, have a good night Alexa," Jay replied as Alexa took her key card, unlocked the door to the building, and walked inside. As the ginger made her way to the stairs she noticed Jay was heading back toward Molly's. Did he walk her home even though he wasn't coming back yet? she asked herself as she opened the door to the second floor, and walked down the hall. Alexa unlocked her apartment and walked inside shutting and locking the door behind her. 


Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed Chapter 17! Let me know your thoughts in the comments. I'm hoping to have Chapter 18 posted today so keep an eye out! I also wanted to take a moment to say Thank you! for all the love and support; not only on this story but every story I post <3


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