Chapter 26 (Edited)

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BAU Privet Jet 

"Think you can save her this time?" Reid read the back of the photo out loud as he sat at a table across from Morgan. "Whose this guy in this photo with Alexa I swear I've seen him before," Morgan asked. "That would be Will," JJ replied, "He's familiar because he's the physician who treated Alexa after she nearly drowned," Reid replied. "She's dating her doctor?" Morgan said more than asked earning a look from Hotch. 

"Is that jealousy I hear?" Emily asked him earning a scoff, "I'm not jealous, just worried," Morgan replied. "Mmm, I don't know. Sounds kinda like jealousy to me," JJ replied unconvinced. Garcia appeared on the Jet monitors at that moment "So I traced Alexa's phone from what it says she's at her apartment," Garcia replied. "Local authorities still haven't gotten back to me about sending someone over to check on her," Garcia added. 

Alexa Hotchner's Apartment, Bucktown Chicago Illinois 

Alexa laid in bed close to midnight, Will had an overnight shift in the ED until 7 AM. Alexa spent the night watching movies, took a shower, ordered take out, and ended up heading to bed early until she woke up to the sound of glass breaking. 

Alexa rubbed her eyes and switched the lamp on her side table on before she slowly started walking towards her door that was already left open a crack. The ginger noticed the light in the living room was on as she slowly made her way over to the door and pulled it open revealing an older man with a shaved head sitting at her counter drinking a cup of water. 

The man turned to her and sent her a creepy smile "Alexa nice to see your up, I didn't wake you did I?" he asked trying to sound sweet. "How do you know my name? and better question why are you in my apartment?" Alexa asked him looking over to the broken window that led to the fire escape. "Sensible questions, I know all about you... All thanks to your dad. You know he's been looking for me for... a while and all he had to do was stop and you'd still have your mommy and your perfect life in Virginia," he said sweetly as he stood up and that's when Alexa saw the gun in his hand. 

"w-what are you talking about?" Alexa asked him confused, earning a laugh from him. "I killed your mommy, here I even took a couple of photos. I had a feeling you wouldn't believe me," he replied as he pulled a few folded photos out of his pocket and tossed them on the counter next to Alexa. It took everything in her body not to sob at the photo's she saw of her mom bleeding out of the kitchen floor after he shot her. Alexa looked away from the photos and back at the older man in front of her. 

The last thing she'd show him was her pain and hurt especially because of him. This sicko as her Dad and Derek would say get off on the pain they cause others. Alexa couldn't help but laugh, "So what you're gonna kill me?" Alexa said crossing her arms. The older man looked at her, "It's nothing personal... I mean...," he replied as he held the gun up and pointed it at her. 

"Not personal seriously? seems pretty fucking personal from where I'm standing," Alexa scoffed. The older man loaded the gun he was holding up to her, "So that's it huh? Your gonna just shoot me? Come on then... You WANNA SHOOT ME THAN DO IT" Alexa repeated getting louder as she took a step towards him. 

"YOU KILLED DOZENS OF PEOPLE, INCLUDING MY MOM SO COME ON... WHAT'S ONE MORE FUCKING PERSON?" Alexa continued to yell hoping she was loud enough for her neighbors to hear. "COME ON YOU FUCKING COWARD" Alexa screamed as she took another step closer to him enraged. 


Alexa dropped from the impact followed by the excruciating pain seering through her right shoulder. It was a million times worse than when she dislocated it. A laugh sounded through the room as Alexa used her left hand to put pressure on her shoulder to stop the bleeding as her vision started to blur. 

Another bang sounded through the room, "CPD DROP THE WEAPON NOW!" a familiar voice yelled causing Alexa to look towards the door noticing a blurry figure. 



"15-21 George, This is Detective Jay Halstead with intelligence. I need 2 ambo rolled to 1832 North Winchester Ave, Apartment 2A, 2 gunshot victims. Shots fired at the police and by the police, the shooter is in custody, be advised plain clothes officer is on the scene," The detective said into his radio after kicking the gun away from the shooter. 

Jay rushed over to Alexa grabbing a blanket off the back of the couch and folded it a bit before placing it over the bullet wound on her already injured shoulder and putting pressure down causing the ginger to scream in pain between the bullet and her still injured shoulder. "Stay with me Alexa," Jay said as his figure blurred above her. Alexa's eyes started to close as much as she tried to fight it she couldn't. "No, No, No, Alexa, stay with me," Jay repeated as he looked towards the door he kicked in after hearing the gunshot.

Chicago Fire Department- IN HERE" Jay yelled still holding pressure on Alexa's shoulder as Gabby and Sylvie ran into the apartment. "Jay? What happened?" Gabby asked him, "Alexa got shot," the detective replied as the two paramedics made their way over to him. Sylvie grabbed a bunch of gauze from the jump bag handing it to Gabby. "Here, can I see?" Gabby told Jay as the Detective let go and Gabby pulled the blood-soaked blanket off and started packing the wound with gauze. "Bullet's a through and through, let's get her packed and on the monitors," Gabby replied. 

"her pulse is weak and her pressure's dropping, we gotta get her to Med now," Gabby said looking at the numbers on the monitor after they got Alexa hooked up and onto the stretcher as Chet and another paramedic ran in along with Antonio and Ruzek. "Halstead, are you okay?" Antonio asked him earning a nod. "Stay with him, Do not let him out of your sight," Jay said as he followed Gabby and Sylvie out of the building and helped them load Alexa into the back of the ambo. 

"Halstead, are you coming?" Sylvie asked from the back of the rig as the detective stepped in. Gabby shut the doors and ran to the driver's seat speeding towards Chicago Med with lights flashing and sirens blaring. Everything moved in a slow blur around Alexa, she could see the blurry outline of Sylvie and Jay. "Hang in there Alexa, we're almost there," Slyvie's voice said distantly as Alexa started to pass out. "No, No, No, you gotta try and keep your eyes open. Come on Alexa," Sylvie said. Alexa groaned in pain struggling to keep her eyes open, everything was spinning around her in a blur as fluorescent lights blinded her. 

Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois

"Dawson, Brett what do we got- Is that Alexa?!?" Maggie asked noticing the ginger on the stretcher. "Yeah, gunshot wound to the right shoulder," Gabby replied, "Dr. Halstead, Bag dad, Paige Dr. Rhodes," Maggie said as the ginger started making his way over to Gabby and Sylvie. "Jay, what are you- Is that Alexa?" Will asked Jay in horror at the state of his girlfriend. "Dr. Halstead- I can't take this patient, Maggie," Will said as Dr. Rhodes ran over and helped Sylvie and Gabby move Alexa over to the hospital bed. "Dr. Choi Bag dad," Maggie told them as Dr. Choi made his way into the room leaving Jay, Will, Gabby, and Sylvie standing in the hall watching the doctors work on Alexa. 

"Wanna explain to why you passed off your own patient?" Maggie asked Will who kept his focus on Alexa. "Because... she's my girlfriend," Will replied as Jay squeezed his shoulder trying to reassure him. Maggie paused for a moment but nodded, "I'm gonna see if I can get ahold of her family," Maggie replied.


Hey everyone what did you think of Chapter 26? Do you think Alexa's gonna be okay? Let me know what you thought in the comments. I'm hoping to have Chapter 27 by the end of today but I might not be able to finish writing the chapter until next weekend ( April 27th & 28th, 2024). Thank you for all the love and support on this story <3 


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