Chapter 13 (Edited) (Longer Chapter)

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Hotchner Family Residence, Quantico Virginia 

Alexa spent most of the morning and into the afternoon napping in her old bedroom. Finally, she woke up around 2 in the afternoon and appeared in the kitchen where her dad and Jack were making cookies. "Morning," Jack said with a smile running over to hug her, "I missed you," he said as Alexa hugged him back. "I missed you too, are you and Dad making cookies? they smell so good" she told him. 

"We made chocolate chip cookies, do you want one?" Jack asked her, "I'd love one, do you want a cookie too?" she asked him earning a nod. "let's ask Dad," Alexa told Jack as they both looked at their dad. "Want a cookie buddy?" he asked and Jack nodded his head yes. "Can I have one?" her dad asked him. "Of course Daddy," Jack replied with a giggle and took a cookie off the tray. Alexa grabbed a cookie along with their dad and took a bite of the fresh still melted chocolate chips. 

"These are amazing Jack, I can taste the love you made them with," Alexa said as Jack smiled at her and at the cookie. "Thank you," Jack said, "So how are you and Derek?" her dad asked, "We're good," Alexa said with a smile as she made her way over to the coffee maker and brewed some coffee hoping to wake up a bit before she went to take a shower and get ready for her date. "Any idea where he's taking you?" he asked as Alexa shook her head no. "I should probably find out so I can find the right thing to wear," she replied. 

Alexa poured herself a mug of coffee from the coffee pot she freshly brewed, adding sugar and cream. The ginger made her way to the couch setting the mug down on the coffee table, before she pulled her phone out and called Derek. The line rang a few times, "Hey Red Gorgeous, how was your nap?" Derek asked through the line. "Good, I crashed the minute I laid down. How's your afternoon going?" she asked him. 

"It's good, better if I had you in my arms though," he replied causing Alexa to smile. "Soon my love, speaking of seeing you soon. Where are we going tonight? So I can plan what to wear," Alexa said before taking a sip of her coffee. "It's a surprise, and as for what to wear. You look stunning in everything you wear," Derek said. 

Alexa smiled again, she couldn't remember the last time she smiled so much. "I saved us reservations at the Lafayette for 6," Derek said. Lafayette is a high end, formal, and fancy restaurant in Washington. Alexa was a bit surprised, "Sounds fancy," she said taking a sip of her coffee again. "Only the best for my girl, I'll pick you up at 5:30?" Derek said more than asked. "I can't wait, I love you," Alexa replied. "I love you too babygirl, I'll see you in a few short hours beautiful," he said before hanging up. 

How did she get so lucky to be with a man like Derek, between her dad and Derek they felt like the only thing in her life that hadn't changed in the last month. They were like a lifeline after she was dropped in the middle of the ocean in her grief. She might not have been able to see a way out of the pain and grief a month ago. As time went on days passed to weeks, passed to a month she still felt like she was drifting in an ocean of grief but somehow she could start to see land and hear the distant calls of the people that loved her calling her back to the shore. 

Alexa finished her coffee got up and took a shower, got changed, and got ready for her date tonight. The ginger stood in her room in a towel looking through some of the clothes she left in her closet. Alexa sighed going through a few dresses before settling on a skin tight black dress with spaghetti straps. The dress ended just above her knees, along with a slit up her right leg.

Alexa found a pair of black stilettos ankle boots that tied the outfit together, before she started partially curling her hair and fixing her makeup. The ginger looked over her reflection in her bathroom mirror and sprayed on her favorite perfume. Alexa went over her appearance 1 more time before she approved it and made her way out of her room and to the kitchen. 

As she walked in she could smell the spaghetti sauce her dad and Jack were making. "That smells amazing," Alexa said as she walked in causing her dad and Jack to look at her. "Thank you, you look magnificent," her dad said with a smile as the doorbell rang. Her dad walked over to the front door and pulled it open revealing Derek standing in the doorway with a bouquet of red roses. "Hey Morgan, come in," her dad said inviting him into the house. 

Derek stepped in the doorway his eyes instantly landing on Alexa, "It smells really good in here, what are you cooking Hotch?" Derek asked him. "Jack and I are making spaghetti," he replied, "And garlic bread," Jack added from the kitchen. "That sounds delicious," Derek replied to Jack. Derek smiled walking over to Alexa in a black suit and tie, "You look stunning, these are for you," he said handing her the bouquet of flowers and pressing a soft kiss to her lips. 

Alexa smiled, "Thank you, and you look rather dashing yourself." The ginger placed the flowers in a vase on the counter before she gave her dad and Jack a hug. "Have fun," her dad called to them as Derek and Alexa made their way out of the house, down the walkway, and over to Derek's pickup truck. 

He pulled the passenger door open and held out his hand to Alexa helping her step up into the cab of the truck. "Thank you," she said with a smile as he closed the door and walked around the truck climbing in the driver's seat. "Ready?" He asked looking at her after he fastened his seat belt and started the truck. Alexa nodded as Derek took her hand in his right hand, keeping his left hand on the steering wheel as they drove toward Washington. 

Lafayette Washington D.C

The drive to Washington took almost half an hour, but Alexa and Derek spent the drive singing along to Rihanna's 'Good Girls Gone Bad' album she released in 2008. Watching Derek sing and dance to Breakin' Dishes caused Alexa to laugh. 

The restaurant was extremely formal, even though Alexa wore one of her most expensive and fancy dresses she still felt underdressed. Derek must've picked up on that and then spent the rest of dinner making her smile, laugh, and forget anyone else was even around them. 

Lafayette Square, Washington D.C.

After dinner, Derek and Alexa made their way across the street to Lafayette Square, which had dozens of historical statues. The couple walked hand in hand through the square as the sun began to set. As the sun was beginning to set and it began getting dark the two made their way back to Derek's truck to begin their drive back to Quantico. 

The drive back was quiet as Derek drove holding Alexa's hand, while they listened to whatever song shuffled on from her playlist. "Thank you for tonight, I had a lot of fun," Alexa said looking at Derek as they got off the freeway. "Anytime baby girl," Derek said lifting her hand and kissing the top. Alexa smiled at him, "Why don't we head back to your place for a bit?" she suggested earning a look from Derek who nodded and took a left at the next set of lights instead of a right which would take them back to her dad's house. 

Alexa pulled her phone out and sent her dad a message letting him know she wouldn't be back until the morning. The last thing she wanted was to have him worry that she didn't come home. 

Derek Morgan's Residence, Quantico Virginia

Derek's truck pulled into his driveway and he switched the truck off, before he climbed out he leaned across the center console and pressed a kiss to Alexa's lips. She instantly kissed him back deepening the kiss before breaking the kiss to catch her breath. 

Alexa sent him a smile as she unbuckled her seatbelt and the couple climbed out of the pickup truck. It didn't take Derek long to walk around the truck and pick Alexa up, pressing his lips to hers again. She smiled into the kiss wrapping her legs around his waist, before she deepened the kiss. Derek carried her up to the front door, unlocked it, and pushed it open without breaking the kiss. He carried her through the door shutting it behind him and instantly carried Alexa down the hall to his room without either of them taking their shoes off first. 


Hey everyone, I hope you liked Chapter 13. I know it took a while for this upload, but I am hoping to start writing more chapters for 'Tainted' over the next couple of weeks. With that being said I'm hoping to have Chapter 14 posted sometime today, if it's not posted today it will be posted by Wednesday (April 3rd, 2024). Thank you for all your love, support, and patience with my unstable writing schedule <3


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