Chapter 22 (Edited)

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3 Days Later...

It had been a couple of days since Jack flew out to Chicago with their Aunt Jessica. Who stayed in the city for the night before making the trip back to Virginia. Alexa, Jack, and their dad spent the day looking at some of the Chicago museums and all the street art near the South Loop. The second day they spent at Navy Pier, riding some of the rides, and playing the carnival games before they had dinner at a steakhouse Downtown.

Millenium Park, New Eastside Chicago Illinois 

Alexa, Jack, and their dad made their way through Millenium Park, the sun was shining and the park had tons of people walking around which wasn't unusual for a beautiful day. When they reached the Chicago bean her dad took a photo of Alexa and Jack standing in front of the giant statue. After Alexa pulled her dad into the frame and took a few selfies with him and her brother. 

The afternoon quickly transitioned to nightfall and Jack and her dad made their way back to their hotel for the night promising to grab breakfast and explore the city more in the morning. Her dad dropped her off at her apartment making sure she got inside before he left. Alexa made her way up to her apartment stepping inside.

Alexa Hotchner's Apartment, Bucktown Chicago Illinois

 Looking at the time she noticed it was only 8:30 PM when she sat down on the couch happy from the amazing couple of days she's had with her little brother and dad. She was also exhausted, falling asleep on the couch shortly after she sat down. 

The sound of knocking on her front door is what woke Alexa, she looked around the room confused for a moment realizing she had fallen asleep on the couch. The sun was shining through the window next to the kitchen table when another couple of knocks sounded on her door again. 

Alexa used momentum to sit up and push herself up with her left hand before making her way over to the door. The ginger pulled the door open to reveal her Jack and her dad were dressed and ready for the day. "Morning!" Jack said excitedly as Alexa rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Morning Jack," She replied sending him a smile as both Jack and her dad stepped into the apartment. "Here," her dad said handing her a to go cup of coffee, "Thanks," Alexa replied accepting the cup as she shut the door behind them. 

"Did you just wake up?" her dad asked as they made their way over to the living room. "Yea, I sat down on the couch for a second and accidentally fell asleep," Alexa replied as she set her coffee cup on the table before she turned the TV on and put on Jack's favorite movies. "You've had a busy couple of days and your shoulder's still healing. How is your shoulder doing?" her dad asked as she grabbed her coffee and took a seat at the table.

"Still a little achy, and stiff but it's getting there," Alexa replied as her dad sat down in the chair across from her. "How are you feeling?" he asked, "Better the last couple of days... I'm starting to feel like myself again," Alexa replied honestly looking at her dad with a smile. "That's good," he replied as a knock sounded on the apartment door again. 

Alexa was confused, "Are you expecting anyone?" her dad asked as she shook her head no but made her way over to the door with her dad who paused behind the couch where Jack was sitting; and could still watch Alexa answer the door. The ginger checked the peephole before she pulled the door open to reveal Gabby and Sylvie. "Morning!" Gabby said with a smile, "We brought you coffee," Slyvie added handing Alexa a cup of coffee. "Aww, thank you. You're both too sweet. What brings you by though?" the ginger asked them confused. 

"The CFD picnic," Gabby replied reminding Alexa all about it. "I completely forgot about it with everything that happened. I'm so sorry," She replied. "We kinda figured you might've forgotten. Boden sent us to get you, Everyone from 51 is waiting for you, the picnic started... 3 hours ago, if you still want to go, Gabby said. "You can bring your dad and your brother, I know Herrman's brought his kids," Syvie added noticing her dad and brother in the apartment behind her. 

The ginger nodded, "I'm gonna need to shower and change first but we can meet you there," Alexa replied. "Sounds good, Severide, Casey, and Chief started the grills before we left so food should be ready soon," Gabby added before they left. Alexa shut the door walking back into the apartment, "Everything okay?" her dad asked. 

The ginger nodded her head yes, " The Chicago Fire Department has an annual picnic they hold every year. All CFD members get together with their families hang out, have food, and relax. I was wondering if you and Jack wanted to go?" Alexa asked her dad who looked at Jack. "What do you say buddy?" her dad asked Jack who smiled and nodded "Yes!" Jack replied excitedly causing both Alexa and her dad to smile. "Alright I'm gonna go shower and change, and then we'll go," she replied before she made her way to her room to grab a change of clothes before she showered. 

CFD Picnic Hutchinson Fields Grant Park, South Loop Chicago Illinois

Alexa ended up getting Sylvie to text her where the CFD picnic was before they left the apartment. The drive took a little over half an hour before they pulled into the packed parking lot recognizing a few vehicles immediately as her dad found a parking space. 

Alexa, Jack, and her dad hopped out of the car noticing the crowded field full of kids playing and running around, a bunch of adults sitting on folding chairs chatting, Casey, Severide, and Cheif were standing by 3 large grills cooking behind a long table that had burgers and hotdogs already cooked along with a bunch of pasta salads, snacks, deserts near the other end of the table. 

"Tag your it!" Jack said excitedly as he tapped Alexa's left arm and took off across the field running with a giggle. "Oh, No you don't! Get back here!" Alexa joked instantly chasing after her little brother trying to tag him with her left hand since her right arm was still in a sling. It didn't take long before all the kids at the picnic joined in on a massive game of tag. Alexa let out a laugh as she got tagged again and started chasing after Jack. 

Her dad stood by the snack table making a plate of food for Jack to eat after his game of tag. "I don't think I've ever seen Alexa so happy," Lieutenant Casey said as he pulled some burgers off the BBQ and set them on a plate Cindy handed him. The comments caused Aaron to look at the blonde Lieutenant, and then over to his kids. "How's she doing?" Chief Boden asked him, "She's getting back to her old self, Thank you again for calling me, and getting her out... I don't know what I would've done if I lost her..." he said looking at Chief Boden then to Lieutenant Severide and Casey as he held out his hand for them to shake. 

Boden, Severide, and Casey shook his hand, "Always, we take care of our own. You guys have a good time, drinks are at that table there with Mouch and Trudy, and if you need anything let us know," Boden replied sending him a smile. "Thank you chief," he replied again.


Hey everyone I hope you liked chapter 22! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. I'm hoping to have Chapter 23 posted hopefully by tomorrow (Sunday, April 21st, 2024). Thank you for all your love and support <3


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