Chapter 28 (Edited) (Last Chapter)

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Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois

Dr.Rhodes ended up running both a blood and urine analysis due to how wide the results were they'd be able to start narrowing down what was causing her to continuously throw up. Alexa couldn't even manage to stomach water for more than a few seconds before throwing it right back up. 

Every time she threw up the pain in her shoulder was indescribable, and all she could do was sit there crying while she threw up to the point she physically couldn't throw up anymore. It took a few hours for the test results to come back and Dr. Rhodes walked into the room. "Did you get the results back?" Will asked him while standing next to Alexa's bed since he gave the chair back to her dad when he returned. 

Dr. Rhodes nodded, "I did, and as I suspected your symptoms aren't a post-op side effect. Both your Blood and Urine tests came back with elevated hCG levels though which would explain the symptoms you are experiencing," Dr. Rhodes replied earning a confused and exhausted look from Alexa. "What does that mean?" Alexa asked noticing Will's face when Dr. Rhodes said that. "It means... you're pregnant," Dr. Rhodes said. 

Pregnant? As in... a child? How? she and Will used protection especially since she wasn't on any other form of birth control. "Alexa?" Dr. Rhodes said pulling her from her thoughts, "Someone from the OB unit should be by shortly to check on you, in the meantime I can get you some gravol to help settle your stomach," Dr. Rhodes offered as Alexa just nodded her head already starting to feel another wave of nausea hitting her. 

 "A nurse will be in shortly to give you some gravol, try and get something to eat and get some rest if you can. I'll be back to check on you in a bit," Dr. Rhodes said before he left the room. "I'm gonna go look for Morgan," Spencer said as he made his way toward the door. "We're gonna go see if the cafeteria is still open," JJ said as she stood up with Emily heading for the door. "I could use a coffee," Rossi added as he followed the others out of the room that cleared so fast leaving Will, Alexa, and her Dad. 

"Look I'm gonna let you two have a few minutes to talk. I'm gonna go grab a coffee, Alexa would you like a hot chocolate?" her dad asked causing her to nod her head Yes "Thank you," she said softly as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Will is coffee alright?" her dad asked him from the doorway. "Coffee is good thank you," Will replied as he left the room. 

Alexa stayed quiet not sure what to say, "Babe say something... Please," Will said after a moment breaking the silence. "I'm still trying to process everything, I'm sorry..." Alexa said shaking her head. "it's okay, it's a lot to process. I just want you to know that I'm gonna be here every step of the way for you, both of you if you want me to," Will replied causing Alexa to look at him confused. 

"Isn't it a bit unexpected though and are either of us really prepared for this responsibility?" Alexa said going to rub her face stressing out with both her hands only to cause a sharp pain to rip through her shoulder causing her to hiss in pain. "Son of a... Oww" she groaned, "I know it's a lot to take in and it is unexpected but sometimes... The best things in life happen unexpectedly, like us." Will replied causing Alexa to look at him. 

He took her hand in his, "We're gonna get through this together, okay?" he said reassuring her as April walked into the room and gave her a small medicine cup containing gravol. Alexa took the meds and sat back in the bed. "I'm really glad you're okay," Will said softly as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. 

As he went to pull away Alexa pulled him back pressing her lips to his, "i... i love you," she said softly breaking the kiss. Will pressed his lips to hers again smiling at her, "I love you too," he replied. After 15 minutes Alexa's dad returned holding a tray of coffee as he walked into the room. "Here you go, be careful it's still Hot," her dad said as he handed her a to go cup of Hot chocolate. "Thank you," Alexa replied with a smile as her dad also handed Will a coffee. "And for you Will," Hotch said handing him the cup of coffee. "Thank you Agent Hotchner," Will replied. "Please, call me Aaron," her dad said surprising both Will and Alexa. 

5 Days Later...

After spending nearly a week at Med after waking up, followed by tests, follow ups with Cardiology and the OBGYN with the Pediatrics ward. Alexa was glad to be finally getting discharged from Med. The BAU ended up catching a case while Alexa was still in the hospital, everyone other than her dad ended up having to go back to work. 

Alexa Hotchner's Apartment Bucktown, Chicago Illinois 

Alexa made her way through the door to the apartment noticing the door and window had been replaced. Over the week JJ, Emily, and Derek cleaned up after Alexa's encounter with Foyet. The ginger let out a shaky breath looking around at the space that once felt safe to her. 

"You okay?" Hotch asked noticing Alexa paused a few steps in the doorway and was just staring off at the space in front of her. "yeah, I'm good," Alexa replied softly forcing herself to keep walking until she got to the couch and just sat down. "What's on your mind, babe?" Will asked as Alexa looked around the space. 

She let out a sigh meeting his light brown eyes, "It doesn't feel the same here, anymore... I used to feel... safer here," Alexa explained. "Is there anything we can do to make you feel safer here?" her dad asked as Alexa looked around and sighed "i...i don't know" she said as her gaze shifted to the window off the fire escape where Foyet had broken in. 

Alexa, Will, and her dad spent the afternoon laying on the couch watching movies, just trying to take her mind off of what happened and also trying to make her feel more comfortable in her own apartment after Foyet broke in and shot her. Hotch's mind wandered to the photos CPD Detective's found on her counter when they were going over the break in. Not only did Foyet murder his wife and mother of his kids but also took a photo of Haley bleeding out and shoved that very photo in his daughter's face. 

Hotch was just relieved it was over, but also knew that Alexa would need help getting past what happened. She'd need help and support if she went forward with her choice to start a family. He'd be there for her every step along the way.

 It wasn't long before Alexa fell asleep on the couch with her head resting on Will's shoulder. Hotch noticed Will glance down at Alexa every few minutes along with a smile that crossed his face before returning his focus to the TV that was playing the original cartoon Alice in Wonderland. "I'm not entirely sure what Alexa's said, but I plan to be there for her every step of the way for this. For both her and the fetus," Will said softly looking at her dad who met his gaze. Hotch stayed quiet and gave him a nod, "I know," was all he said before turning his focus back to the movie again. 


Hey everyone I hope you liked the final chapter of Tainted! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. This does NOT have to be the end of Alexa's story, I finished the book on this sweet note so I could continue with a sequel. If that's something you'd be interested in let me know in the comments. I want to also take a moment to say thank you all so much for all the love and support on this story <3


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