Chapter 24 (Edited)

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Alexa Hotchner's Apartment, Bucktown Chicago Illinois 

Alexa woke up to her bed slightly moving causing her to crack her eyes open noticing Will was getting dressed in the dark room. "where are you going?" Alexa asked half asleep. "I got called into the ED, I'm sorry if I woke you, try and go back to sleep," Will replied as Alexa rolled back over and fell asleep. 

Later that afternoon Gabby and Sylvie stopped by to check on her after last night. Surprisingly as much as the situation sucked Alexa was in a fairly good mood. "So... you and Dr Halstead," Gabby said more than asked causing Alexa to smirk at the mention of his name. "How'd last night go after you left?" Gabby asked. "You and Will?! What happened?" Sylvie asked looking at her partner. 

"We went to the grocery store bought an entire cake, sat in the parking lot eating while we listened to music, and talked about some of the stuff we've seen on the job over the years. After that we might've come back here and... hooked up," Alexa replied trying and failing to hide the smile that crossed her face. "Oooo, You like him," Sylvie said with a smile. "mmmm maybe a little," she admitted. "Do you think it's too soon though?" Alexa asked them meaning was it too soon to move on after ending things with Derek. 

"That's really up to you Alexa, and how you feel. Some people move on quicker than others," Gabby replied. "It's been what a month? a month and a half?" Sylvie asked earning a nod from Alexa. "I agree with Gabby on this, go with what feels right. If that's taking more time for yourself that's okay if that's moving on with whatever this is with Dr. Halstead that's okay too," Sylvie replied. "If you do go forward with Dr. Halstead. You and him will both have to request another doctor for your follow-ups and treatment," Gabby added causing Alexa to nod in agreement. 

If she and Will moved forward she'd have to request another doctor due to it being a conflict of interest. Doctors aren't allowed to sleep with their patients it's unethical and a massive conflict of interest and Alexa knew this. 

4 Days Later...

Over the next few days, Alexa and Will hung out more after his shift at Med, he'd come over and the two would order takeout and watch the Hawks game while cuddling on the couch and hooking up. "How was work?" Alexa asked as she rested her head on Will's shoulder, "It was good, really busy in the ED today. How was your day? How's your shoulder feeling?" he asked glancing down at her. "I didn't do much today, napped, hung out. My shoulders a little sore mostly stiff though," Alexa replied earning a nod. "Is it a dull, throbbing, or sharp pain?" Will asked her as she shook her head no. "More like a light ache, I'm okay," Alexa replied as Will kissed the top of her head. 

Alexa went quiet thinking about what Gabby and Sylvie said, what was going on with them? she asked herself. Whatever it was it felt... right but that alone made her almost feel guilty. If it felt right that meant she was actually moving on past her and Derek, which was what they both needed. "How do you feel about going out tonight?" Will asked pulling her from her thoughts. "What did you have in mind?" Alexa asked glancing up at his light brown eyes. "I was thinking we could head over to the cheesecake factory?" Will offered causing her face to light up instantly at the idea. "Yes! let me just take a shower and get dressed and we can go," Alexa replied with a smile. 

Will smiled at how excited Alexa got at the idea as she stood up pressed a soft kiss to his lips and disappeared into her room. Will sat on the couch focusing on the game until Alexa appeared out of the bathroom wrapped in only a towel around her body. Alexa sent him a smirk before he could say anything and dropped her towel leaving her completely exposed. 

Will's eyes widened for a moment before he stood up and instantly pressed his lips to hers. With her left hand, she started pulling on the hem of his shirt. Will smirked into the kiss, pulling away for a moment to pull his t-shirt up and over his head tossing the article of clothes aside. Will pressed his lips on Alexa's as he unbuckled his belt tossing it aside "Are you sure?" he asked softly breaking the kiss. "positive," Alexa replied softly earning a smirk from Will as he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. 

Cheesecake Factory Magnificent Mile, Chicago Illinois

The entire drive to the restaurant Alexa was smiling and singing along to her playlist that was playing one of her favorite Rihanna songs ' Breakin Dishes' She sang the words to Will as he drove causing him to chuckle. "You are incredible," he said sending her a smile as he parked the car outside the restaurant, Alexa smiled, leaned over, and kissed him. "So are you," she replied as the two climbed out of the car, Will got the car door for her, and the restaurant door. When they got to their table he pulled her chair out for her before he sat down. 

Alexa ended up ordering the salted caramel cheesecake while Will ordered the toasted marshmallow smore cheesecake. They both ended up sharing their deserts when they arrived. "We could order food too," Will suggested earning a smirk from Alexa. "We could or we could just have dessert for dinner. I won't tell if you don't," Alexa replied with a smirk. Will and Alexa both chuckled. 

The two fell into silence as they continued to eat the cheesecake, "Just out of curiosity, is this a date? or..." Alexa asked trying not to sound as awkward as she felt asking the question. Will paused looking at her. " It can be... I mean if you want it to be," Will replied, "I'd consider it a date, but I'd also consider us eating an entire cake in a Walmart parking lot a date, or therapy..." Alexa replied causing Will to smile and let out a laugh. "The more I learn about you the more you amaze me," Will replied causing her to blush. 

Alexa Hotchner's Apartment, Bucktown Chicago 

Alexa and Will spent the rest of the night when they got back cuddled up in bed. "I had fun tonight," she said softly rolling around so she could look at Will. "Me too, we should do this more often," he replied softly as he placed a kiss on her lips. "Not to be the one to ruin the moment, but what is this?" Alexa asked him softly after breaking the kiss. "What do you want this to be?" he asked her looking down at her green eyes. "I mean we have been hanging out almost every night and most days you're not working for almost a week. I'd say it's looking more like... a relationship." Alexa replied trying and failing to not sound awkward. 

Will nodded, "For the record you didn't ruin the moment, I've been wondering the same thing," he replied. "I'm up for it if you want t-" Before Alexa could finish what she was saying Will pressed his lips to hers. Alexa smiled when they broke the kiss, "I'll take that as a yes?" she said more than asked as Will smiled at her. "Yes," he replied softly before pressing his lips to hers again, and they ended up cuddling until they fell asleep. 


Hey everyone, I hope you liked chapter 24! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. I'm hoping to have Chapter 25 written, spell-checked, and posted later today. If I can't post it today Chapter 25 will be posted next weekend ( April 27th & 28th, 2024). Thank you for all the love and support on this story <3 


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