Chapter 23 (Edited) (Longer Chapter)

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4 Days Later...

Alexa Hotchner's Apartment, Bucktown Chicago Illinois

Alexa spent the afternoon on the couch watching Mary Poppins after she spent the morning lying in bed. Her dad and Jack took a flight back to Virginia last night. After being in Chicago for almost a week her dad had a lot of paperwork to sort out when he got back. In all honestly Alexa was just happy to have the time she did with her dad and brother. 

While they were around she forgot about a lot of the pain, trauma, and grief. It was when she was alone that her emotions and feelings became suffocating. It was close to 8 pm when Alexa pulled herself off the couch having an odd craving for cake. She grabbed her keys, wallet and threw her shoes on before she left the apartment locking the door behind her. The ginger made her way out of the building and over to her Honda Civic. Alexa climbed in the driver's seat buckling her seatbelt and starting the car with her left hand. 

Before Alexa left she pulled up the directions to a bakery near Lake View East that was open until 11 PM. The ginger started carefully driving with her left hand towards the bakery. Her Honda Civic pulled up in front of the bakery 15 minutes later and Alexa turned her car off and stepped out making her way into the small open bakery that had a few other customers inside. 

Jennivee's Bakery, Lake View East Chicago Illinois

Alexa ended up ordering a couple of slices of triple chocolate cake since it was her mom's favorite and she wanted the sugar to make her feel better that her dad and Jack left. The ginger paid and stood aside while the baker boxed up her slices of cake. 

"Hey sexy baby, why don't you come home with me? I'll show you a fun time, even with that busted wing you got," a tall dark haired man said walking over to her while uncomfortably checking her out. Between the comment and the look he gave her Alexa had to fight the urge to throw up. "No, I've got other plans," was all Alexa said as her order was called and she took the box thanking the baker before making her way outside. 

"Come on baby don't be like that," the man called following after her. "NO," Alexa replied bluntly over the man and his inability to get the hint. "You know, what I tried to be nice. But I don't accept your rejection, " he replied before throwing himself at her. Alexa barely had enough time to drop the box to push him away as he tried to forcefully kiss her. The ginger smashed her head against his head butting him and using her left hand to shove him back before climbing in her car and locking the doors before speeding off. 

Alexa let out a shaky breath trying to process what the Hell just happened as her head started aching where she smashed her forehead against his. 'Just focus on getting home' she told herself as she noticed a gold sedan following behind her. She shook it off as someone heading in the same direction as her until she reached Bucktown and realized they were taking every turn she made staying really close behind her. 

Alexa made 4 left turns just to make sure she wasn't crazy and the car was following her. When the gold sedan stayed right behind her after the last turn she knew they were following her. The ginger picked up her speed trying to think of where to go, the last place she wanted to lead anyone following her was where she lived. 

Alexa's heart started beating faster as she took lefts and rights trying to figure out where the go when she pulled onto the street Molly's was on. 

Molly's Bar Bucktown Chicago Illinois

Alexa parked her car on the side street and ran for the entrance of the bar noticing the gold sedan pulling onto the road. The ginger made her way inside heading straight to the bar where Gabby was serving Matt and Kelly who were both sitting at the bar. "Hey- Can I hide in your kitchen?" Alexa cut her off glancing back at the door to the bar nervous. "Um, sure what's going on?" Gabby asked as Alexa slipped behind the counter. "I went to a bakery in Lake View East, and some guy started hitting on me I turned him down then he threw himself at me, I head butted him shoved him off, and drove away and after I started get followed and I didn't wanna lead them to where I-" Alexa stopped talking the moment the door to the bar chimed and she got to her knees hiding behind the bar and made her way into the back kitchen. 

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