Chapter 4 (Edited)

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Firehouse 51, Chicago Illinois 

Brett and Alexa walked into the firehouse after they dropped their last patient off at Med. The two had been going nonstop, call after call. It was one of those shifts, "That smells really good," Alexa said as they walked into the common room. The ginger grabbed a clean empty mug off the counter going to make a coffee. "Thanks, I made the Dawson famous chili. I'm Gabby by the way," a brunette woman said extending her hand. "Alexa," she replied shaking her hand, "The new P.I.C. Welcome to 51 and I'd grab a bowl of chili before the rest of these hooligans eat it all," Gabby said with a smile. 

Alexa finished pouring her coffee and set it aside, before grabbing a bowl of chili and going to take a seat at the end of a long table where a few others were eating. "So Alexa, how are you liking Chicago so far?" Brett asked her. "It's a pretty big change, and a lot busier than where I was before. which is good," Alexa replied as she started eating the chili. "Wow, Gabby this is really good," she said taking another bite. With the non-stop calls all day Alexa hadn't had a chance to get something to eat even though it was close to 6 pm. 

The night dragged on with no calls, later close to midnight Alexa was still wide awake lying in her bed in the bunk room staring at the ceiling. Her phone buzzed on the table next to her, Alexa sat up taking the phone off the small side table noticing her dad was calling. The ginger got out of bed and made her way down the hall to the empty common room. 

"Hey Dad, how was the case?" Alexa asked him answering the call. "We caught the guy and I just got home...  Is there anything you wanna tell me?" her dad asked in a tone saying he knew something was up. Alexa was quiet, "Did you find the letter?" she said more than asked as she chewed on the inside of her cheek nervously. "I did, Alexa why didn't you tell me you were thinking of moving to Chicago?" he asked through the line. 

Alexa was quiet, "i didn't know how to tell you..." was all she said standing in front of the coffee maker brewing a fresh pot of coffee knowing she wouldn't be able to sleep for a while. If she slept at all, "Are you sure now is a good time to make this decision? With everything you've gone through maybe take some time to think this over before- Ambulance 61, Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51. Structure fire Ashland and West North Ave," The intercom said over the P.A. system. 

"Look I gotta go, but I'll call you later. I love you, Dad," Alexa said before she hung up the phone and took off towards the apparatus floor along with everyone else who just jumped out of bed. Alexa climbed into the passenger seat of the rig with her radio on already knowing her dad heard the call over the P.A. She just hoped he wouldn't come all the way out here to make her come home. Brett climbed into the driver's seat and they took off down the driveway after Squad 3. 

BAU Office, FBI Academy, Quantico Virginia

Aaron sat at his desk in his office looking at the note Alexa left on the counter for him when he got home. He knew she was having a hard time after Haley died, but he didn't expect Alexa to just up and leave. It was out of character for her, they'd always been really close, he let out a sigh thinking about the end of the call with Alexa. It sounded like she was at work but he knew they didn't have a Squad 3 or Truck 81 at Firehouse 22. 

A knock on his door pulled him from his thoughts as Morgan stepped into his office with worry written across his face as he held up a letter to him. "Did you know? That Alexa was leaving Virginia?" he asked as he walked across the room. Aaron held up his letter, "I just found out myself," he replied as Morgan shook his head. "Where is she? I gotta talk her out of this," he said as Aaron stood up. 

"I think she already made up her mind Morgan, she's not at home and her room is pretty much empty. Jessica saw her a few days ago, she stopped in to see Jack and she hasn't seen or heard from her since," Hotch said as Morgan pulled out his phone and started calling Alexa. "Straight to voicemail, I'm gonna go find her and talk to her. Even if I gotta track her down myself," Morgan said heading for the door. "Morgan- No Hotch, I'll take some vacation days if I have to but I wanna talk to her," he replied. 

Aaron looked at the agent and nodded, "I lost Haley, I'm not gonna lose Alexa too. I'll tell Anderson we need an SUV, get Garcia to ping Alexa's phone," Aaron replied wanting to see Alexa in person. He wanted to make sure she was okay and if this was really the right call for her right now. It just seems really sudden and rushed how she took off, and while he was out of town on a case without even messaging or calling to let him know. 

Chicago Medical Center Chicago Illinois

Alexa stood at the nurse's station filling out the patient transfer forms for the burn victim they brought in from the structure fire. 3rd degree burns over 75% of her body and she had to be intubated in the field which was really difficult since her airway was so swollen and burnt from the smoke she almost couldn't get the tube in. 

Alexa finished the paperwork and handed it to Maggie, "Nice job on the intubation back there," Brett said walking over after restocking the ambo. "Thanks, you ready to head out?" Alexa asked her. "See you, Maggie," Alexa said as the two walked out of the ED. "So what's your story?" Brett asked as they climbed in the ambo. 

Alexa stayed quiet as she put her seat belt on. "Look I grew up in Fowlerton Indiana and left after my engagement fell apart. Ran all the way up the I-95 to Chicago," Brett said causing her to look at the blonde as she started the Ambo and drove out of the Ambo entrance of the hospital. Alexa looked out the window as they drove, "My mom was... killed a few weeks ago," Alexa said keeping her eyes on the buildings they drove past. 

It was almost 3 am and there was still traffic and people walking the streets as they drove past. "I'm really sorry Alexa," Brett said sending her a look she could feel. "I needed a change after that, a fresh start," Alexa replied finally meeting her gaze. "I get that, look if there's anything you need or if you wanna talk just let me kno- Thank you, Sylvie," Alexa replied already knowing what she was going to say. 

The rig pulled into the firehouse and the two climbed out, making their way inside. "Want a coffee?" Sylvie asked her as they walked into the empty common room, "Sure," Alexa replied knowing she wasn't gonna be able to sleep. "What was your mom like?" Brett asked after they made their coffee and took a seat at a small round table. Alexa was a bit surprised by the question, "I'm sorry that was rude- No it's okay, my mom was my best friend. For a really long time, it was always just her and me. My dad used to work crazy hours when he was a prosecutor and crazier hours when he transferred into the Bureau he'd be gone for days at a time sometimes weeks," Alexa said. 

Brett raised an eyebrow, "What's your dad doing now?" she asked. "My dad's a unit chief with the FBI, I'm gonna go do inventory on the rig," Alexa said setting her mug down. Brett sent her a shocked look as the ginger made her way across the apparatus floor to the back of the ambo. 

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