Chapter 15 (Edited)

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Firehouse 51, Chicago Illinois 

Alexa made her way to the locker room with her duffle bag over her shoulder, she could hear everyone putting their stuff away and talking as she walked in. "Heyyyyy there she is!!!" Cruz said excitedly as he noticed Alexa walk in followed by a round of applause and cheers. "Welcome back Hotchner," Gabby said pulling her into a hug along with Sylvie. 

Alexa smiled as they let go of the hug, "Thanks guys," she said looking around at everyone before unlocking her locker. "So is it true you shot that guy? and then saved him?" Otis asked her leaning on the locker next to her. The question caused Cruz to smack him in the back of the head "Otis!" Casey said with a 'What the Hell' look as he shook his head No. "I was just wondering," Otis replied.  

"Ambulance 61, Man down unknown causes West Roosevelt Road and South Clinton Street," The P.A. system called. Alexa and Sylvie closed their lockers and made their way out to the ambo. Most of the morning, afternoon, and into the evening Alexa and Sylvie were going back and forth between calls and Med dropping patients off. 

Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois

Alexa stood at the nurses' station filling out the patient transfer forms to pass off to Maggie. "Hey," Alexa looked up noticing Dr. Halstead standing a few feet away from her as he started typing on a computer he was standing in front of. "Hey," Alexa replied sending him a small smile as she continued filling out the paperwork. "How are you doing?" He asked causing her to pull her attention from the documents again. 

"I'm good, how are you?" Alexa replied looking at him, "I'm good- Ambulance 61, Squad 3, Truck 81. Vehicle collision North Morgan St and West Fulton Street," Dispatch called through her radio. "61 To Main, copy that. We're on route from Med," Alexa said quickly signing the papers and handing them to Maggie before she made her way out to the Ambo where Sylvie was waiting for her. 

The shift seemed to go by with a few blinks of her eyes, mostly due to the amount of calls they got. Sylvie and Alexa barely spent the shift at 51, "So did you figure out what you're doing this weekend when your dad and brother visit?" Sylvie asked her partner as they made their way out of the firehouse along with the rest of 3rd shift. "Navy Pier, The Bean, and I read that there's an indoor trampoline park on the Northside," Alexa replied. 

"That'll be fun," Gabby said, "Any plans with Derek?" Sylvie asked. "Yeah, we got reservations at a rooftop Mediterranean restaurant on Friday before my dad and brother come to visit," Alexa replied. "You two are adorable together," Sylvie commented causing Alexa to smile. "I wanna hear all about it on Monday," Gabby said with a smile. "Okay, have a good weekend. See you Monday," Alexa replied before she threw her duffle bag in the back seat and climbed into the driver's seat. She started the car, fastened her seatbelt, and drove towards her apartment. 

Alexa Hotchner's Apartment, Bucktown, Chicago Illinois

Alexa spent the day cleaning her apartment, doing laundry, and setting up her place for the weekend. The following day she went out and stocked her kitchen full of snacks and food she knew were her brother's favorite snacks and food. The rest of the day relaxed, tomorrow night Derek would be in the city for their date night and to visit his family while Alexa spent the weekend with her dad and brother. 

The night and morning dragged on, and Alexa didn't manage to sleep much. Her mind was wide awake. She wanted to make this weekend special not only for Jack and her dad but also for herself. She wanted to make a memorable weekend the way her mom would with their weekend trips to Washington and sometimes New York. 

Around 4 in the afternoon, Derek called Alexa letting her know he was outside, Alexa made her way downstairs to open the door to the building for him. Derek handed her a bouquet of red roses placing a soft kiss on her lips before, the two got back upstairs to the apartment Alexa went to shower, change, and get ready for their dinner. Surprisingly it only took Alexa 45 minutes to finish getting ready and make her way out to the living room where Derek was waiting for her. 

His eyes widened when she walked into the room causing her to smirk at his reaction. "How do I look?" she asked him as he stood up and walked over to her. "Do a spin for me," he said more than asked taking her hand and spinning her around in a circle. "Wow, you look absolutely breath-taking baby girl," Derek replied placing another soft kiss on her lips. 

"Are you ready beautiful?" Derek asked her earning a nod from Alexa as the two made their way towards the door when Derek's phone rang. The two paused and Derek pulled his phone out answering the call. "Morgan. What's up? Right now?" he asked before he started rubbing the temples on his forehead. Alexa knew the moment his phone rang he was getting called out on a case. Derek hung up the phone and let out a deep sigh as he shook his head, "You caught a case?" Alexa said more than asked already knowing his answer. 

Derek shook his head yes sending her a guilty look, "It's okay, we can reschedule our date night," Alexa replied softly as she took her high heels off. Derek shook his head no again, "This isn't fair to you Alexa," he said causing her heart to sink as he used her first name. The only time he ever used her first name was right before, "It is what it is, you don't pick and choose when cases come in. You don't get a say in your work hours, I know that more than most. I'm willing to work around it," Alexa replied. 

"You shouldn't have to though Alexa," he replied using her name again. "So where does that leave us?" she asked him, "You deserve someone who can spend all their time with you, someone who isn't bailing on dates and special moments with you- Hold on," Alexa said cutting him off. "Are you seriously trying to get me to break up with you?" She asked him as she shook her head. "No, if you want to break up just say it. Don't try to guilt or convince me to dump you though," Alexa replied crossing her arms towards Derek. 

"I don't want to break up... You are one of the best things that have happened to me in a long time, and I love you so much, Alexa. That's why, I gotta let you go." Derek said softly trying to hide the pain in his voice as he pressed a kiss to the top of Alexa's head before he turned and walked out the door. 

Alexa stood there staring at the door wondering what the fuck just happened? How did a moment so perfect go so bad so fast? The sound of her phone ringing pulled her from her thoughts. The ginger picked her phone up off the nearby counter noticing her dad was calling. "Hey," Alexa said answering the line already knowing why her dad was calling her. "Hey, how was your day?" her dad asked. "Good, how about yours?" Alexa replied, "So far so good. I hate to do this and last minute too. The team caught a case and we're gonna have to plan our visit another time," Her dad said. 

Alexa nodded, "That's okay, it gives me more time to plan out stuff for us to do. My itinerary needed some work," Alexa replied trying to cover the sadness in her voice. "I'm sure your itinerary wasn't that bad, We'll plan a visit when I get back from this case okay?" her dad asked. "Sounds like a plan, stay safe and I love you," Alex replied. "I will, and I love you more," her dad replied before they said goodbye and ended the call. 


Hey, everyone I hope you liked chapter 15, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Chapter 16 should be posted hopefully today or by tomorrow at the latest, (April 7th, 2024). Thank you for all the love, and support on this book <3 


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