Chapter 3 (Edited)

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3 Days Later...

Firehouse 51 Chicago Illinois

Alexa parked her car on the street across from the firehouse, she had 20 minutes before the start of her first shift. The ginger starred at her phone in her hands looking over the last conversation she had with her dad. It was right after he left for his case nearly 5 days ago. 

If you need anything give me a call, I love you Alexa - Dad 

I will, love you too Dad - Alexa 

She thought about sending him another message but she didn't know what to say, so she settled for something simple. 

Hey, how's the case going? -Alexa

The ginger grabbed her duffle bag off her passenger seat and climbed out of the car. Alexa looked both ways before she crossed the street towards the firehouse, locking her car behind her. Taking a deep breath she made her way up the driveway and through the large bay doors that were open. 

Alexa made her way inside the firehouse and walked into the common room noticing a lot of unfamiliar faces. New house, fresh start... She reminded herself as she walked into the room causing everyone to quiet down and look up including a blonde woman. "Hey, you must be Alexa Hotchner. Welcome to 51, I'm your partner, Sylvie Brett," the blonde said with a smile as she walked over holding out her hand. 

Alexa shook her hand sending her a small smile, "Thanks," she replied trying not to be awkward. "Here, I'll show you where you can put your stuff, and give you a tour before the morning briefing," Brett said leading her out of the room. "So where are you transferring from?" she asked looking at her as she led her down a hallway. "Quantico Virginia, I spent 3 years there with their fire department," Alexa replied as they entered the locker room. 

"Virginia? That's quite the change," she said more than asked, "Here, you can use this locker," Brett said opening an empty locker and handing her a roll of tape and a black marker to put her name on the outside of the locker. Alexa opened her duffle bag and set a lock on the shelf along with her change of clothes for after shift, and 2 photos. 1 of her and her mom and another of her mom, dad, Jack, and her. 

"Is that your family?" Brett asked as she put the photos up in her locker. Alexa nodded her head yes. "That's my dad, my little brother Jack, and my mom," Alexa replied with a smile remembering that day they went to Washington to look at some of the museums for the day and had lunch in the park by the river. 

Alexa put her duffle bag in her locker trying to keep her eyes from watering at the thought they'd never be able to have lunches, dinners, or family days in Washington anymore. Alexa shut the door and locked it before pulling off 2 strips of tape and writing her last name on the locker in black Sharpie 'HOTCHNER'. 

Right as she finished writing her name the bells in the firehouse went off. "Ambulance 61, person in distress. 2705 West Fulton Street," Dispatch called through the P.A. system. "That's us, let's roll," Brett said before she followed her out of the locker room and to the apparatus floor where the ambo was parked. "Do you mind if I drive?" Brett asked, "Go for it," Alexa replied heading around the ambo and climbing in the passenger seat. 

Brett hopped in the driver's seat and they took off out of the stations with sirens blaring and lights flashing. Alexa's phone buzzed in her pocket pulling her attention away, "So your the new P.I.C., if there's a specific way you want the jump bag just let me know," Brett said glancing at her. "Yeah but I'm pretty mellow about how the jump bag is packed as long as it's fully stocked with what we need," Alexa replied sending her a smile as she pulled her phone out. Derek's name was displayed across the screen and she sent him to voicemail wanting to focus on the call they were heading to. She'd call him back later when they got back and she settled into the house a bit more. 

Fort Lauderdale Police Department,  Fort Lauderdale Florida  

Derek, Spencer, and Emily sat in the conference room going over the profile they had so far. Derek pulled his phone out checking to see if Alexa messaged or called him. He knew she was trying to wrap her head around what happened to her mom, Haley. The fact she was the one that responded to the call and had to see her own mom like that. Derek tried to stop her from going inside, he didn't want her to see Haley like that. He knew all too well how hard it was to cope after seeing one of your parents dead. 

What was worse, and more heartbreaking to watch was Alexa tried CPR to bring her mom back, long after her heart stopped. Derek unlocked his phone after noticing he had no notifications. He went to his messages and pulled up his last conversation with Alexa, instantly calling her. After 2 rings the call was sent to voicemail causing him to furrow his eyebrow. 

He hung up the line and sent her a message instead, Alexa was distant after the funeral. She barely ate, and spent her days lying in bed or avoiding the house altogether. She wasn't talking to her dad much or Jack. She was distancing herself more and more every day and he was worried about her.

'Hey baby girl, how are you doing?' - Derek 

Derek set his phone down with a sigh, something felt off. His sigh caused Emily and Spencer to look up. "Everything okay?" Spencer asked him, "Yeah, just trying to get Alexa to call me back," he replied. "Are you two fighting again?" Emily asked, Derek shook his head. "It's the opposite, she'll barely talk to me, she's been distant, and I'm just trying to get her to message me or call.." he replied with a sigh of frustration. Emily and Spencer shared a look. "Morgan I get you wanna help Alexa, but she just lost her mom in an unimaginable way. Give her time, and be there for her when she lets you," Emily replied as Hotch and JJ walked into the room letting them know Garcia found a lead. 

Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois 

Alexa and Brett dropped their alcohol poisoning patient off at the hospital, passing the patient off to an E.D. doctor. "I'm gonna get started on the patient transfer forms," Alexa told Brett as she walked over to the counter. "Nice job out there, I'm gonna go restock the rig," Brett replied as Alexa nodded filling out the forms. 

When she finished she passed them to the lead charge nurse of the E.D. Who directed them and the doctor to a treatment room when they arrived.  "Here, this is the transfer form for Mr. Racine," Alexa said handing them to the woman. "Thank you, I don't think I've seen you around before," she said taking the form. "I just moved here, I'm Alexa," she said holding out her hand. "Maggie, Welcome to Chicago," she said shaking her hand. "Ambo 61, Truck 81, Squad 3. accident at River Road and 23rd." dispatch said through her radio. "Copy main, we're on our way," Brett said through the radio as Alexa sent Maggie a small smile and the two of them loaded the jump bag and stretcher into the ambo and rolled out to the accident scene. On their way to the scene, Alexa noticed she had a message from Derek. She unlocked her phone. 

'Hey baby girl, how are you doing? '- Derek 

'Day by day...' -Alexa 

The ginger put her phone back in her pocket looking out the window noticing they were pulling up to the accident after Truck 81 but before Squad 3. Alexa and Brett climbed out of the ambo, Alexa grabbed the jump bag and Brett took the stretcher out of the back of the ambo. 

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