Chapter 14 (Edited)

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Hotchner Family Residence, Quantico Virginia

Derek ended up dropping Alexa off at home in the middle of the night after he got a call that the team had caught a case. When Alexa walked through the door her dad had left to take Jack to Aunt Jessica's before he went into the office. Meaning she had the entire house to herself, it felt so empty and almost hollow in a way. Alexa let out a shaky breath locking the front door, and she made her way down the hall to her childhood room to get some sleep for a few hours. 

Around 8 am, Alexa got out of bed and went to make herself a coffee. She hated how quiet the house was now, looking around with a sigh after she made her coffee. What to do now? She knew her dad and Derek could be on this case for a few days or up to a week. Alexa's gaze drifted to the kitchen, as she let out a sigh. Even after a few months she couldn't help but look for her mom. 

Alexa finished her coffee choking down tears and the wave of grief that washed over her. She pushed herself off the couch going to get changed and go for a walk, just to get out of the house for a bit. The walk helped, for a few hours while she was around town. Alexa got coffee at a local cafe and had a late breakfast at a little family owned diner. 

Eventually Alexa made her way back to the house but didn't stay long. She ended up taking a cab to her Aunt Jessica's to hang out with her and Jack for the rest of the afternoon. The last place she wanted was to be at home alone, in a quiet house hoping for her mom to walk around every corner, or staring off at the spot on the kitchen floor where she found her mom lying in a pool of her own blood. 

She ended up calling her Dad and Derek later that night when she got home, they were currently in Arizona working a case. Her dad apologized for not being home while she visited, and she didn't blame him or hold it against him. His job was stopping some of the worst people humanity had to offer. She grew up being taught if someone needs help, we help them. One of the many reasons Alexa became a paramedic in the first place. 

4 Days Later...

Hotchner Family Residence, Quantico Virginia

Alexa's routine was the same over the last few days until eventually, she decided maybe it was time for her to head back to Chicago. She had shift in a couple of days and from what she gathered from her call with her Dad last night. They still weren't close to catching their unsub, she also mentioned to her dad she was thinking of heading back to Chicago soon to get her stuff sorted before her shift at 51. 

Her dad understood and told her that when he wrapped up the case and got home he'd try to make a trip to Chicago with Jack to visit her. Alexa ended up packing the bag she brought to Virginia, called a cab, and made her way to the airport close to 9 pm. She spent the day hanging out with Jack, and went out for dinner. Before she left she gave him a big hug, letting him know she'd be home soon. 

The flight back to Chicago took a little under 2 hours before it landed at O'Hare close to 11 pm and by the time Alexa got a cab back to her apartment in Bucktown it was close to midnight. 

Alexa Hotchner's Apartment, Bucktown Chicago

The ginger made her way up to her apartment dropping her bag off, Alexa made her way to the bathroom taking a shower and debated whether or not to get into a pair of PJs and head to bed or get dressed and head over to Molly's for an hour before last call. 

Knowing she probably wouldn't be able to get any sleep. Alexa decided to get dressed throwing on a pair of blue ripped skinny jeans and a white Nivana Hoodie. She threw her shoes on, grabbing her, phone, wallet, and keys before she left the apartment and walked up the road to Molly's Bar.

Molly's Bar Bucktown, Chicago Illinois

The walk took Alexa less than 10 minutes before she walked through the wooden doors of the local neighborhood bar. The bar wasn't crowded or overly busy, she noticed a bunch of familiar faces as she looked around. Gabby stood behind the bar with Herrman, Lieutenant Severide and Casey were sitting at the bar talking to Gabby. 

Her ambo partner Sylvie was sitting at a table next to Detective Dawson and across from Detective Halstead. Who was sitting next to Dr. Halstead. "Hey stranger, when did you get back?" Gabby asked Alexa as she walked over to the bar surprised to see the ginger. Her comment caused both Lieutenant's to turn to look at Alexa. 

"My flight landed about an hour ago," Alexa replied, "And you couldn't keep away, see I told you guys she'd come back," Herrman said looking between Casey, Severide, and Gabby with a smile before he made his way to the other end of the bar to serve some drinks. "You guys had doubts I'd be back?" Alexa said more then asked as she sat down on a bar stool next to Severide. 

"OH MY GOSH YOUR BACK!" Sylvie squealed excitedly causing Alexa to turn around only to be engulfed in a hug by her partner. "Aww, you guys missed me," Alexa said with a smirk as Brett let go of the hug. "Of course we missed you, it's not the same without you," Sylvie replied. "So, what can I get for you, it's on the house. Just don't tell Herrman," Gabby replied causing Alexa to chuckle. "Can I get a Long Island iced tea?" she asked earning a nod from Gabby before she started making the drink. 

"I thought you weren't supposed to be back until next shift?" Severide said more then asked as he took a sip of his beer. "I was originally gonna fly back Sunday give me the night to get my stuff sorted for shift," Alexa replied as Gabby set the Long Island iced tea in front of her. "Thank you," she replied. "So what happened?" Sylvie asked as Alexa took a sip of her drink. "My dad and his team caught a case, and I didn't wanna sit at alone at home" she replied taking another drink. "What about your brother Jack?" Sylvie asked confused, "He goes to my aunts when my dad leaves on cases," She explained. 

"You told your dad you were coming back this time right?" Sylvie asked half joking causing Alexa to let out a light laugh and nod. "Yeah, I talked to him last night. When he finishes the case and gets home he wants to bring Jack here for a visit," she replied. "that'll be nice, any ideas on what you'll do?" Gabby asked as Alexa shook her head. "I have no idea yet, we might take a trip to Navy Pier," she replied unsure of what they would do when her dad and Jack came to visit. 


Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed chapter 14! I'm hoping to have chapter 15 posted sometime today or by Wednesday at the latest (April 3rd, 2024). Thank you all for your love and support <3 


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