21 Out To Get Me - 2

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"Oh, so you're ready to die, is that it? Please." He replied rhetorically rolling his eyes.

"Don't you get it? If they take us in Romania we are dead Nikki, dead!" She glared at him keeping her tone the same.

"Oh, so you're ready to give up? Fucking pussy!"

"Fucking junkie!" She returned the same attitude that Nikki gave.

I didn't knew what to say. Stop them? If I'd do that I'd be the bad guy in one's eyes. "Haze, it's enough."

"You're telling me to calm down?! That jerk-"

"Shut up, all of you." The door opened and one of the man spoke with a strong russian accent. She didn't said one word more and froze in place. Nikki did the exact same looking at me like I could've done something.

"Out." He said pulling a gun out pointing it at me. I slowly walked out of the car. I stepped out and one of them hit me to walk faster. "Țigan împuțit. (Fucking gypsy)." I walked behind them where they pointed the gun. "Don't move."

"You, what is your name?" The other man spoke with the same accent pointing his gun out at Nikki.

"Andrew." He said without any hesitation. At least he was smart enough not to give them his real name.

"And you?" The same man pointed the gun at me.

"Michael sir." I said doing like Nikki did.

"White boy, out." The man said. He was fat, unlike the other one that was skinny. The fat one got me out, gripped on Hazel's neck, the one that kicked us and we passed. The other one wasn't doing much, but he had a gun, so I wasn't gonna argue with anyone.

Nikki walked out and Hazel followed him. She didn't dared to look up at them. Nikki stepped out she and she wanted to do the same, but the skinny man stopped her.

"Du-te înapoi. (Go back.)" He said and again, I was clueless. If he could speak english why the hell didn't he spoke it now.

She stopped and didn't walked out. I tried to tell her to get out without actually saying any words, but she didn't moved.

"De ce? (Why?)"

"O sa vezi. Du-i pe aia doi de aici. (You'll see. Get those two out of here.)"

The fat man walked to us and basically pushed us aside. I tried to fight back for a few moments, but the gun was pointed to my jaw. I stopped instantly, Nikki didn't even tried to fight. He walked us for a while. We didn't knew where we were going, what did he wanted or any information, but I wasn't worried about that. I was worried about her.


He took the boys, I didn't knew where or why. That skinny guy closed the door. I didn't knew if I should be scared, but I was sure I didn't liked this.

"Asculta aici. Nu mi se pare corect ce fac ei. Când o sa va mute din mașină asta o sa va las sa fugiți. Fugiți cât de repede puteți, ma auzi? (Listen to me. I don't find any of this to be fair. When you'll be moved out of this car I'll let you run. Run as fast as you can, you got it?)"

"Ce? (What?)" I didn't understand what did he meant.

"Ce ai auzit. (Exactly what you heard.)" He said again with a calm voice. I wasn't as scared anymore. I was trying to understand what was happening.

"Cum? (How?)" I asked again. For me, it didn't made any sense.

"Când ajungem o sa va mute în alta dubă. I sa îți dau pistolul meu de rezervă și când coborâți îl împușcați pe celălalt polițist cât ma ocup eu cu ceilalți ofițeri din cealaltă dubă. Ca urcați înapoi în asta și plecați cât ma departe posibil, cel mai bine ar fi în Canada, înțeles? (When we arrive you'll be taken to another van. I am gonna give you my spare gun and you shoot the other officer while I'll deal with the ones at the other van. You take this van and drive as far as possible, in Canada would be best, understand?)" He said quickly and firmly handing me a gun. What the fuck was I supposed to do with it? Where do I put it?

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