Chapter 6: Hello, New York

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Adrien fell asleep on the way to America. Well, it was typically a very long way ahead. However, it was amazing that he was able to sleep.

He felt so stupid giving Alya the Miracle Box to watch over for one single night. He should've chosen Paris' Miraculous Team himself. Boy, was he glad that Alya wasn't made Guardian instead of him.

However, too much pressure was already on his shoulders. So he just told himself to just keep the faith in her allies. He'll be on the lookout if for some impossible reason they come over.

Alya decided to have her boyfriend, Nino aka Carapace, Pigella, and Purple Tigress all be her allies. This was good, they're all good friends in the long run. They'll need each other.

The Model woke up to the feeling of the Gorilla nudging him awake barely using his finger.

"Alright, I'm up. I'm up." said Adrien.

He then met up with his father. They were ready to head out. They were greeted of course as the annoyingly usual. Well, annoying from Adrien's point of view. Many fangirls asked for his autograph, as typical as it can be. The three got into the limo and the Gorilla drove them to a hotel.


As one would expect, it was a hotel for rich people. Adrien just hoped that he could at least explore more here since Gabriel would have to deal with business were, since that's what he's here for, right? Just as long as his bodyguard were to come.

Well, the Model just couldn't wait to explore the city once he's free. He hoped he could see the city at night. And if he were to do that, then he's got to get all of his homework done.

"Adrien, we have a visitor." he heard his father call.

"Coming!" Adrien called back.

He then headed to the room and then found the people he was expecting in waiting in his living room.

"Adrikins!" shouted Chloe.

"Oh no..." Adrien groaned.

The Mayor's daughter then hugged him and attempted to press her lips against his cheek, only for him to block her with his hand.

"Not now, please?" he practically begged.

"Oh, come on, Adrikins!" asked Chloe, "Not happy to see me?"

"Well I was happy until this happened..."

"Oh, you say the funniest things, Adrikins!"


It took forever to get Chloe out of the apartment. This was probably going to be the most complicated time in Adrien's life. The Model collapsed onto his bed as Plagg floated out of his pocket.

"Well, kid, we're here in New York!" said the Kwami.

"Yup." replied Adrien, "And now I have to deal with the most annoying person in the world..."

"Aaaand the biggest liar in history too apparently..."

Adrien's eyes shot open as he reached out to grab Plagg. The Kwami of Destruction just knew his Chosen was about to go crazy just right about now.

"What?!" the Model shouted, "Lila?! Here?! How?!"

"I heard your old man talking on the phone with her mother." Plagg explained.

Apparently, like Adrien, Lila's here for some "important business" of some kind. Chloe's here just to visit apparently. And soon enough, the little demoness herself happened to come a few minutes later. They talked for a bit.

"I can make you happy, you know. Right, Adrien?" she asked with a seductive smile.

"Why? Are you leaving?" asked Adrien with a smirk.



Well, school went well today in a way. There's a group project going on. His group got the Greek Empire. They had to explain its entire history, technology, beliefs, and its impact on the modern world.

They worked on it for a long time. Marinette seemed to be most into it, and mostly spoke to Adrien whenever they got on to break. Adrien couldn't help but scream at himself internally. In all honesty, he's kind of angry with himself. He should've seen that Marinette's stuttering was a giant sign that she was in love with him.

It was amazing that it turned out that they loved each other back. Wayzz did also mention something about them "being made for each other." It was something Master Fu himself said and believed ever since the day the Model gave Marinette that umbrella. And all he could do was just claim that she was "just a friend."

But he can't worry about that now, because now it was time for patrol. Adrien looked at Plagg with a smirk on his face.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Sure, kid!" replied Plagg.

The Model smiled before turning back to the other Kwamis. He instructed them to stay safe, and they all nodded in reply.


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