Chapter 19: Sleepy Kitty

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The sleepy Adrien was sleeping.  And eventually, a broadcast from the radio began to sound.

"Hawk Moth and his apparently re-Akumatized team have just left Time Square and-" said the reporter.

Adrien's fingers snapped and the groggy Plagg soon found himself being sucked into the ring.

"Wait, Adrien, I'm about toooooo...!" he screamed.

Cat Noir then sat up.  He looked down at first, then back up.  He squinted his eyes.  Putting on his "let's do this" face.


The cat-themed superhero jumped from roof to roof, listening to the radio until he suddenly felt a huge fist slam into him, causing him to crash onto the ground.  He looked up to see Lion Wrath coming down.  He swung his claws, only for it to disappear.  He turned to his right, seeing the mutated hunter girl kick him into Taser Man, who zapped him up into the sky.  

And soon enough, a whole pack of explosions from Rocket fist attacked Cat Noir  Argos quickly joined in and whacked him with his fan.  And last, but most certainly not least, a cane itself slammed Cat Noir into truck.  

The neon-colored cat superhero looked up, looking already injured enough, seeing Hawk Moth land in front of his enemies.  

"Stand down, Cat Noir." said Hawk Moth, "It's quite obvious you can't defeat the six of us.  What do you say?  Give me your Miraculous, or face us?"

Everyone then confusedly stared at Cat Noir as he smirked and immediately spin back up and raised his hand and taunted them with it, as if saying, "come and get me."  It was as if that whole surprise attack did nothing on him.

"Very well." Hawk Moth grunted  in annoyance.

Rexzilla was the very first Akuma to run for Cat Noir. He just jumped and kicked him in the back, causing him to bash against a wall. 

 "I'll get him!" shouted Argos. 

 He threw his fan at Cat Noir. The neon-colored cat superhero simply twirled around, watching it unregretfully hit Rexzilla. 

He then saw Argos throw his projectile feathers at him again. He then flipped off the bridge. The green Mirauclous holder threw it once again, only for Cat Noir to kick it back at him, cutting part of the edge off, the one Argos was standing on. He began to fall. Taser Man was charging at Cat Noir, sonic blasts all charged up.  

Cat Noir picked up the fallen Argos and threw him and his fan at the mercenary.  Taser Man dodged the shield, but not its user.  He quickly shoved the Peacock-themed villain away and quickly charged for his opponent again, Cat Noir then noticed Lion Wrath and Rocket Fist about to jump down.  

The neon-colored cat superhero jumped and grabbed their heads, slamming them against the railing. 

"Get him!" he heard Argos shout. 

He stuck his landing back below the bridge, but found himself smashed through one of the big pillars.  He then saw both Hawk Moth and Argos charging right at him from both sides.

Cat Noir simply jumped, clutching against the ceiling as he watched the two crash into each other.  He then saw cracks from around him, feeling his spot being lifted by Rexzilla.  He then threw the piece of rubble, the neon-colored cat superhero quickly jumped off the rubble and threw it back at him.

It did nothing of course, but it held him in place for quite a moment.  Cat Noir then spotted Lion Wrath and Rocket Fist about to run towards him.  However, the neon-colored cat superhero grabbed a few of Rocket Fist's explosives and threw them at Lion Wrath, all of a sudden, he smashed the floor, causing the two to fall through.  Taser Man and Rocket Fist both threw their projectiles at him.

He quickly grabbed Rexzilla and shoved him in front of the projectiles.  The sonic waves hit him in the stomach, possibly where the pancreas was, and then the explosives slammed into his armored forehead, knocking him out altogether.  

"Aw, man!" Taser Man groaned.

"Dang it!" grunted Rocket Fist in annoyance.

They then realized that Cat Noir was suddenly gone.  They turned around quickly, too late to see the neon-colored cat superhero was above them.  He quickly slammed their heads together, knocking them cold.  

He was nearly finished with this "team," just needed too-

He suddenly felt Hawk Moth and Argos kick him off the bridge together.  Argos grabbed him while Hawk Moth just stood in front of the two.  

"I knew you were getting serious when you stopped those pathedic puns of yours." he said.

He soon saw the iris looking purple.  Were they always like that?  Or... 

Cat Noir then smiled arrogantly.  He quickly headbutted Argos and Hawk Moth.  Argos screamed in pain, forced to let got of him.  

Cat Noir tripped Argos with a spinning kick and pinned her hard against a pillar.  He then widened his eyes in fear once seeing his hand pulse in familiar pitch black energy.

"C-Cat Noir...please...!" he begged, "Mercy!"

Cat Noir's eyes suddenly went from slits and purple, to ordinary green as his senses kicked back in, seeing that this was wrong.  He could barely remember things, but he definitely knew he was fighting.  How did he get here?  He then saw the position he and his former partner were in.  He then decided to give her a warning instead.

He slammed his palm into the pillar, causing it to collapse.  

"I'm so sorry..." said Cat Noir, "...I really am..."

He then took off, feeling guilty.


Felix stood on the edge where he could see the ocean. Behind him was Gabriel, who quickly shoved him forward, but held onto him to be sure he wouldn't fall.

"Be more careful next time..." he whispered sinister, taking the pin, " time, your mother will be crying."

Felix's eyes widened and tear up in absolute fear for his mother as his crazy Uncle set him back to normal, and walked away, under the cover of darkness.


Adrien woke up.  He hopped off the bed, ready for an early morning patrol.  He extended his arms as he yawned, suddenly feeling a shock of pain in his right arm.

"Ow, ow, ow!" he yelped.

He then looked in the mirror and saw what looked like...

"A scar." said the Model, "Where did that come from?"

He suddenly got a notification on his phone.  He quickly went onto it and saw the headline, "Cat Noir Solos An Akumatized Team".  He then even saw the pictures...

By him.  

He and Plagg had both gasped together as the midnight black Kwami explained the whole battle.  Cat Noir didn't even speak one syllable  It was like he had been asleep the whole fight.  Then a thought occurred to him.  Adrien thought it was some dream, sure he felt gravely awake when he saw that he had nearly killed Hawk Moth, but even with that, he felt like it was only a dream.

"Looks like this thing's making me sleep-fighting or something." said Adrien.

"Looks like the Akuma can in a way make you go on vacation and save the city at the same time." said Plagg, "Try not to get too attached to this thing."

"Oho, believe me, buddy.  I'll try not to."


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