Chapter 12: The Worst Akumas Made Ever

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Cat Noir hurried as fast as he could to get to the bridge as fast as possible. He then finally saw a guy with an armored orange suit. He then landed in front of the Akuma.

"Stop your evildoings, Akuma!" Cat Noir demanded.

"Hand over your Miraculous, fool!" said the Akuma, "Or you shall suffer at the hands of...Rocket Fist!"


The neon-colored cat suddenly could help but chuckle a little bit, The now-offended Akuma turned sharply at his opponent.

"What're you laughing at?!" he demanded.

"I-I'm sorry." Cat Noir continued to chuckle, "So your name is 'Rocket Fist'?"

"That's right!"

"Because you...shoot rockets out of your fists?"

The Akuma then looked a little embarrassed but quickly replaced it with a more serious look.

"It's metaphorical!" said Rocket Fist.

"Really? How?" asked Cat Noir.

"It shall strike fear into the hearts of all who hear it!"

Not even the once-frightened civilians could help but mutter a little bit. Some said, "oh, alright" and another would say, "might want to rethink that one." Cat Noir however, just kept on chuckling. Rocket Fist then turned annoyingly to the neon-colored cat.

"What now?!" the Akuma demanded.

"I-I'm sorry!" Cat Noir tried, still laughing, "I'm-I'm just thinking about the moment Hawk Moth Akumatized you, I'm just betting he said, 'you know what'll be a real kick-butt name? Rocket Fist!' Hahaha!"

The embarrassed Akuma turned around seeing a few civilians beginning to lose their hold onto their chuckles.

"A-And what'll be your second choice, Daddy Moth?" Cat Noir jokes, "'Orange AirHead'?!"

(resume music, but skip to :)

And soon, laughter began to boom from everyone's voice. Rocket Fist finally lost it and slammed his fist into the ground, causing a huge gap in the middle of the bridge. Cat Noir's humor immediately disappeared as he began to fight the Akuma.

"Listen, buddy," he called out, "do you really want to kill people?!"

"Because of you, they're going to die!" shouted Rocket Fist.

He then kicked Cat Noir off. The neon-colored cat then took out his two batons. The Akuma would throw explosives quite frequently at him. He'd dodge most of them, and sometimes even throw them back. He could then see a bus beginning to tilt off balance.

"Chat! Save us!" the kids begged, "Save us!"

Cat Noir then kicked Rocket Fist down and sprinted towards the bus. He grabbed the bar attached to it and began to pull on it. He used his claws to help him stay planted into the ground. He then spotted a rope and used it to wrap it around the bar. The door was soon in the area.

"Everyone out, now!" he commanded.

People began to do as he ordered. However, a little girl couldn't get out, and the bus began to fall.

"No!" the neon-colored cat screamed.

He then leaped off the edge of the bridge and fell through the bus and grabbed onto the girl. Cat Noir jumped once again and the two were able to get out of the bus. The neon-colored cat barely grabbed the edge. However, the little girl's parents grabbed his hand and pulled him back up.

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