Chapter 16: Taser Man

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Cat Noir jumped from building to building in search of those monk-eys. He then heard something from his scanner. Something about a robbery in...a junkyard? He immediately made his way there.


The neon-colored cat superhero made it inside the building and spotted a man who certainly looked Akumatized.

The color scheme of the costume itself was mainly yellow with neon green highlights.

The neon green was on the palm of his hands and beneath his fingers, running a line down all the way to his boots, where the soles were also gren. It was located on the shoulders as well. A lightning bolt logo laid on his chest and his back.

His brasors seemed to be the source of those strange "sonic blasts", as Cat Noir dubbed them, once again, basically torturing Plagg's poor little brain.

The yellow parts had something with a hexagon-like pattern. I hope this is better than Rocket Fist... Cat Noir groaned inwardly.

He then landed and pushed the man from a civilian.

"You're safe, now go!" Cat Noir shouted.

"For now." the Akuma chuckled evilly.

He then summoned another powerful sonic wave. Cat Noir felt himself being thrown into a trash pile. Boy, is he going to stink once he gets home. And Plagg will congratulate him for "finally doing something worth it in life."

Cat Noir saw another wave coming in. He jumped as high as he could. He grabbed onto a beam and perched onto it.

"Why don't you just stand still, son, so I can put you out of your misery?" said the Akuma.

"How about you put me out of my mystery?" Cat Noir quipped, "Just who the heck even are you?"

"Well, I guess you can call me...Taser Man."

"Not bad this time." said Plagg, "I mean, he has tased us a few times."

"Yeah, makes sense."

Cat Noir then dived down and kicked as hard as he could, only for the chest of the suit to just suddenly push him back. He landed back on the ground.

"Either you got less kick than a horse or Hawk Moth's new armor actually works." said Taser Man.

He then taser-punched the neon-colored cat superhero into a trash crusher. The Akuma then flipped the switch, causing the machine to turn on, running away.

"You fool!" Hawk Moth screamed, "What're you doing?! You're supposed to take the Miraculous and then kill him!"

Meanwhile, Cat Noir thought that it was a good time to get away. He brought his limbs to his chest, channeling up more power, ready for a power surge.

"Cataclysm Blast!" he screamed.

He then blew up the whole machine. Need to get out of here... Cat Noir thought, ...need...a better plan...low on good supply here...might need to retreat.


Adrien limped into his room, dodging his father and bodyguard's sites. He then collapsed against a chair sitting right by his desk.

"Well, that ended well..." groaned Adrien.

"I really need my cheese." said Plagg.

"That's why I told you to not eat the whole thing. Now I have to go out and buy more. Ouch! I think Tasey cracked a rib."

The midnight black Kwami begged his Chosen to take him out to buy the cheese now. However, Adrien pleaded with Plagg to just let him sleep and rest for a minute. Although, Plagg's need was more insanely screeched and Adrien had no idea just how exactly did Gabriel Agreste not hear and break down the door.


Adrien had just gotten off the phone with Nino. He asked how he was doing without him.

"Depressing." Nino would say, "Miss having my boy here."

"Don't worry, pal." Adrien would reassure him, "Just a few more days and I'll, hopefully, be back home."

"I need you man. So does Alya. But most importantly, Marinette too."

"I know..."

Marinette had been "understanding" more about the life she had tragically forgotten before. Adrien and Plagg both knew that the girl shouldn't be shut out from her heroine life just like this. They need to somehow get the Marinette Dupain-Cheng they know back...



Adrien walked on the sidewalk to a McDonald's. However, before he could open the door, he heard from the news that the Akuma was heading to a condemned location. Time to suit up. Thought Adrien.


Cat Noir landed in the middle of an abandoned theter. He called out:

"Here, Tasey, Tasey, Tasey!"

He turned behind him a bit too late, seeing a bunch of sonic blasts throw him across the seats, stopping halfway through the total of rows.

"Ya sur'ly are a cat." said Taser Man, "You're such an annoyance."

The Akuma then summoned another blast, slamming Cat Noir into a wall. The neon-colored cat superhero looked up, seeing the Akumatized villain charging up his powers once again. He aimed at him.

"One more up-close blast oughta finish ya." he snickered.

Cat Noir then quickly jumped out of the way and grabbed a single row of seats and threw them at the Akuma, who blasted them to pieces in less than a few moments. The neon-colored cat superhero then landed back into the center of the giant theater and looked at the pillars, the only supports of the building.

"This place is condemned." Plagg excused.

"My thoughts exactly." replied Cat Noir.

He then jumped to where the Akuma could see him. He quipped about just all the total hits he landed on him.

"I'm a professional fighter!" said Taser Man.

"Fighter, huh?" Cat Noir chuckled, "Because I was purr-ty sure when it came to your accent, it was more of Rodeo Clown!"

"Don't you mock me, son!"

"High, my names, 'Mock'! I'm a mocker!"

Cat Noir then shouted, "Cataclysm!" and slammed his pal into the ground, all the pillars began to collapse as the neon-colored cat superhero back flipped to safety. Taser Man saw huge chunks of rubble falling down at quick speed. He screamed as he summoned a force field, only to be crushed and falling onto the Akuma.

Cat Noir then removed the rubble to see the knocked out villain. He later got him to safety and crushed the Akumatized object.

"Bye, bye, little fella." he said.


Adrien sat on the top of the Empire State building. He stared off into space. He eventually pulled out his phone, a picture of Marinette and himself taking a selfie together. He looked at it.

"I'll bring you back, Mari, somehow." said the Model, "That is a promise."


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