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The next morning, training was canceled because everyone else was coming back from looking for the nest. Hiccup told me that Astrid almost caught Toothless because they had to go to the forge to fix the saddle or something. I decided not to tell him about my little Tuffnut incident, not wanting to relive that awkwardness. I also decided that I was well enough to go back to the cove with Hiccup and try to fly the dragons today.

"Are you sure?" he asked me as we were walking. "We could go a few more days? You did miss yester-"

"Hiccup, I only missed one day," I told him, "We've been training for over a week. I think we're ready to at least try."

"Okay, suit yourself," he sighed as we entered the cove, the dragons running up to us.

"Hey, girl," I ran my hand along her head as I tightened her saddle and fixed my flying gear.

"Ready, bud?" Hiccup asked Toothless as he mounted him.

I hopped onto Comet, gripping the handles of the saddle. My brother and I nodded at each other as we clipped ourselves onto the saddle and took off for the open air.

Once we got there, we stayed a steady glide, keeping ourselves upright. It felt amazing to have the wind in my hair, and not have to worry about anything.

"Okay there, bud, we're gonna take this nice and slow," Hiccup told Toothless.

"Same here, girl," I looked down at her, "nice and easy."

"Here we go. Here we go... position three, no, four," he checked over his little sheet that read the tail positions, looking back and checking the tail itself.

"Alright, it's go time. It's go time," I let out a deep breath, before we both dove down to the water, their wings slightly dipping into it.

"Come on, buddy, come on, buddy!" he encouraged his dragon.

"Let's go, Comet!" I looked up at the seagulls flying overhead.

"Yes, it worked!" Hiccup smiled as he changed the tail position.

"Thank Thor," I muttered, grateful that it's working.

We started flying upwards, when Hiccup accidentally flew Toothless into a sea stack.

"Sorry!" he apologized, and I chuckled, having Comet fly next to them.

We were flying straight when they accidentally flew into another sea stack. I laughed again, and I think even Comet giggled.

"That was my fault," he admits, and his dragons hit him with his ear. "Yeah, yeah, I'm on it. Position four, uh, three."

"Hiccup..." I sighed.

"It's fine," he rolled his eyes as we started gaining altitude. "Yeah! Go baby!"

"Yes! Oh, this is amazing!" I shut my eyes, smiling.

"The wind in my..." Hiccup started, but stopped in fear when his sheet thing flew off his saddle. "CHEAT SHEET! STOP!"

He reached for it, but his clips came undone, and he fell out of his saddle, him and Toothless plummeting towards the ocean.

"Hiccup!!!" I yelled in fear, diving after them.

"NOOOOOO!!! Oh, gosh! Oh, gods! Oh, no!" he panicked, trying to think of a plan.

"Hang on!" I shouted, trying to reach for his arm, but it was no use since he was falling through the air.

"Alright! You gotta kind of angle yourself!" he tried to direct Toothless back to him. "Okay, no, no, no... come back down towards me! Come back down- OW!" He was cut off when Toothless' tail smacked him in the face.

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