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"Sound your positions," my dad ordered, "stay within earshot."

"One length to your stern," a Viking responded.

"On your starboard flank," another said.

"Three widths to port," another one called.

"Ahead, at your bow," he waved his hand in the air to signal his stance.

"Haven't a clue," the last one said, and I slightly shook my head, chuckling.

"Listen... Stoick... I was overhearing some of the men just now and, well, some of them are wondering what it is we're up to here-" Gobber walked up to him, questioning the plan, which I knew, "not me of course, I know you're always the man with the plan- but some, not me, are wondering if there is in fact a plan at all, what it might be?"

"Find the nest and take it," he told him with a straight face.

As they were talking, Toothless stuck his head up, obviously signaling that we were getting closer to the Nest. I tried to calm him down, not wanting to let the others know.

"Shh," dad waved him off, noticing. "Step aside," he pushed through everyone, going to the steering, going in the direction that Toothless became more alert to.

"Bear to port!" A Viking yelled, and a few yelled it to the other ships, letting them know.

As we were sailing, we went past a shipwreck. The boat was turned upside down and hanging from a sea stack.

"Ah, I was wondering where that went," Gobber stared up at the wreck.

"Stay low and ready your weapons," dad told us as a low rumbling noise started to become heard.

I took out my sword, and grabbed a shield, taking a deep breath. As our ships docked at the shore, Toothless became on edge. Dad jumped off the boat, and when he hit the ground, the rumbling stopped.

"We're here," dad squinted his eyes, looking around.

All the other Vikings started grabbing materials, and I jumped off the ship as well. People started taking wood pillars, sharpening them with their swords, and sticking them in the ground. I let out a deep breath, knowing what lurked inside the mountains, and what it would do when it found uninvited guests. I looked back at Toothless, who was trying to get out of his constraints. I walked over to my dad, Gobber, and a few other people who were looking at something dad was drawing in the gravel. It reminded me of when Hiccup and I bonded with Toothless and Comet.

"When we crack this mountain open, all hell is going to break loose," he said, sketching his plan.

"In my undies," Gobber joked, and I giggled, "Good thing I brought extras."

"Iris, come with me," dad looked down at me, "I want you to be here for this groundbreaking moment in Viking history."

"The ground isn't the only thing that'll be breaking..." I muttered under my breath.

"What?" he asked, looking back over at me.

"Nothing," I sighed.

We walked up to the bottom of the mountain, and the catapults were set up behind us, ready to fire. The village was standing behind us, excited that this was finally happening. I would've been, too...if I was the person I was a few weeks ago.

"No matter how this ends, it ends today!" Dad cheered us on, and I hope he was okay with a giant killer dragon ready to...you know...kill us.

He looked over the wall of the mountain, and after a second, he gestured for the catapults to fire. Three did and made a hole. I took a sharp breath, bracing myself. Dad had a boulder set on fire, and it was shot into the cavern, giving light to it. As expected, hundreds of dragons were clinging to the walls. Everyone let out a war cry, and I just stood there, ready to run. All the dragons fled, and surprisingly, not one attacked. Well, surprising to everyone else. I knew what was making its way to the entrance we had created.

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