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I watched in horror as the beast flew through the sky after Hiccup. As Toothless dodged sea stacks, she just rammed right through them. Once my brother passed by us, we all cheered, but when she did, we looked at her in fear.

I watched the creature carefully as she gained altitude, flying after Hiccup as they went upwards.

"What's he doing?" Ruffnut questioned.

"I don't know..." this time, it was the truth.

"Do you really not know? Or are you lying again? Because every time-" Snotlout started, but we cut him off.

"Shut up, Snotlout!" we said in unison.

He groaned, rolling his eyes, then turned his attention back to the sky.

"Look!" Astrid pointed to the clouds, not being able to see the two dragons anymore.

We did here the big one, though. Her roars of anger echoed through the sky. I squinted my eyes, trying to see what my brother was up to.

After a moment, I saw purple light up the sky. It was Toothless' plasma blast.

"What is that?" Fishlegs asked in surprise.

"It's Toothless!" I told him, walking forward to get a better look.

A second later, orange and red joined the purple, along with her ear-splitting roars.

"Oh, no..." I sucked in a breath, praying to Odin for the billionth time today.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and it was dad's. He looked down at me, then back at the colorful sky.

"It's alright, it's alright..." it almost sounded like he was trying to convince himself as well.

"Hey, weren't you guys' training for a while?" Ruff asked, trying to make us feel better.

"Yeah, maybe he knows what to do," Tuff agreed with his twin.

"I hope so..." I said solemnly.

Comet nudged my arm, cooing as she watched the airshow with us. She was probably hoping they would both make it out alive.

"It's okay, Comet," I scratched her chin.

"There!" Gobber gasped.

Suddenly, the beast came into view, diving after Hiccup and Toothless. Her growls of rage could be heard all throughout the archipelago.

"Hiccup!" I shouted, walking over to where they were headed.

I saw the dragon building a flame up in her throat, ready to fire. Luckily, Toothless countered it by shooting his own blast into her mouth, creating some kind of chemical. He then opened his wings, flying up her body.

Once the massive creature became aware of the ground, she spread her enormous wings, but the holes only got bigger. Her cries of pain were so gut wrenching I covered my ears.

As soon as she made contact with the ground, it was done for her. Her giant body exploded, creating a huge fire that lit up the whole island. A blast of heat hit my face, throwing me backwards. The last thing I remember was hearing the Village's cries of despair.


What felt like a second later, I opened my eyes to all my friends watching over me.

"Hey, give her some space!" Gobber shooed everyone away.

I immediately shot up, my thoughts going right to my brother.

"Hiccup! Where is Hiccup!" I asked nervously.

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