Chapter 26: Gift From The Gods - A Rare Delicacy

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


“Lord Onyx, the blueprint for the Hero’s Altar is so precious. Why did you give it away?”

Not long after Richard left, a few carriage guards asked Onyx in confusion as there was no one around.

Onyx, who felt restrained even when he was sitting on the wide chair, glared at them.

“Who saved us just now?”

They whispered.

“Although it was Lord Richard who saved us, there is no need for us to use such a precious item as a reward, right?”

“We paid a huge price to save it from the sandstorm!”

“Stupid!” Onyx’s fat face showed some disdain.

“If the enemy had ordered an attack at that time, what do you think would have happened to us?”

“Remember, the first rule of the Phoenix-Tail Flower Chamber of Commerce. In the desert, life comes first.”

“Don’t think that the sky will fall just because you lost a precious blueprint.”

“Weaklings have no choice. At that time, even if the odds of the enemy attacking us were only 30%, we would never take the risk.”

At this point, Onyx’s tone became inexplicably low, and memories flashed through his eyes.

“Fifteen years ago, I once followed Young Master Oko to deliver a batch of goods. You may not know who Young Master Oko is, but you must know that Young Master Oko was the one who bought the weapons produced by the Phoenix-Tailed Flower Guild for 50 years!”

The room was immediately filled with shock.

“That time, we encountered something similar to today. The storm blew away the caravan. After we escaped, we were surrounded by a group of desert bandits.”

“Young Master Oko would never surrender. He resisted with his life, and in the end, he was killed by those desert bandits.”

Onyx was full of regret. “Initially, the Phoenix-Tail Flower Chamber of Commerce wanted to negotiate with a powerful empire to establish trade relations.”

“Young Master Oko’s death led to the failure of the negotiations. The competitors took that spot by force. We suffered immeasurable losses.”

“From then on, the Phoenix-Tail Flower Chamber of Commerce came up with that iron law. In the desert, life comes first.”

“If Young Master Oko was still alive, the current Phoenix-Tail Flower Chamber of Commerce would probably be ten times stronger!!”

“Therefore, you must remember that surviving is the most important thing in the desert. Only then will you have the chance to continue earning more profits for the Chamber of Commerce.”

“I will personally explain this matter to the president. If there is any punishment, I will bear it alone!”

When they heard this secret, Onyx’s companions immediately fell silent.

After a long time, someone finally spoke up.

“Lord Onyx, what should we do next?”

“Rest well first before returning to Solan City. Remember, don’t cause trouble in this territory. Our lives are in the hands of others!”

After Onyx and the others discussed for a long time, Karu, who had already arranged for someone to bring back the prey, walked into the house with a smile.