Chapter 179: Ankham Believer

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


He felt the oppression brought about by the power, like the collapse of the sky and earth even more terrifying.

Richard waved his hand violently and ordered the troop to retreat immediately.

The temple gave him a feeling of fear and trepidation.

The super paralyzing enemy was always the unknown.

No one knew what kind of monster would appear if they rushed down.

It was not until they retreated to the bushes that Richard felt the aura disappear.

He summoned the two A-rank heroes and told them about the situation inside.

Blood-colored bandages covered Gunter, who spoke first as soon as Richard finished speaking.

“Lord, the evil beings in that temple might be significantly mighty. But there must be a limit.

“Otherwise, when the draconic aura provokes them, the other party will attack.

“They won’t allow you to leave.”

Gray agreed with these words. It glanced at the high shrubs, and a hollow voice rang out.

“Lord, perhaps we don’t need to attack directly. We can use the fire to force out the lives in the temple.”

Richard’s eyes lit up.

He looked at the two mummy heroes with admiration.

“Harvest all the hay outside, then let the dark gargoyles transport it to the Dark Temple and drop it.”

“Then we’ll force it out since the other party doesn’t show up!”

The unknown was the greatest fear. Only by knowing the enemy could they make a strategy.

Under Richard’s will, the troop moved quickly.

One by one, they turned into lawnmowers and kept harvesting the bushes in front of them.

Even green bushes mix with various dried branches in arid areas such as deserts.

Hundreds of people moved at the same time. They cleared a vast space in front of them in less than an hour.

Tall grass piled up on the side.

Richard waved his hand, and all the dark gargoyles picked up a large pile of hay and took off.

He flew to the sky above the Dark Temple on the skeleton blood dragon and stared at the uneasy temple guardian below.

The aura that made him tremble in fear had been restrained. But the sense of danger in his heart was not much less.

‘Swish! Swish!’

The dark gargoyles threw tons of hay.

The temple guardian held a strange weapon and was instantly furious. The enemy blasphemed their god!


They repeatedly slashed hays that drifted while they waved their weapons.

These troops without heroes did not perceive the true intention of the enemy.

After a few rounds, thick layers of hay covered the ground. Even the top of the temple was no exception.

At this time, Richard was also confident. The powerful evil aura just now was just as Gunter had said. It had a huge limitation.