Chapter 195: Divine Soul

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


Carefree, unprecedented carefree.

Richard had already closed his eyes in the pilot cabin of the extraordinary hunter.

He sensed the power the extraordinary hunter it brought.

Amazement filled his heart.

The extraordinary hunter was now like a part of his body. He could sense the state of every inch of his body.

He could control it as he pleased.

There was no obstruction at all.

Due to the severity of the damage, it could not use its two most powerful skills. And it could not display its most strapping battle strength.

However, the extraordinary was still remarkable.

The power of level 20 made it feel like an unprecedented experience.

The wyvern it blocked in front of it was not only level 10 but also had a Rare 3-stars potential.

There were even advanced glorious-level wyverns.

But there were no exceptions.

No matter how high the opponent's level was or how strong they were.

They could only become ghosts under the extraordinary hunter's sharp blade.

Its creator replaced its fingers with five more than two meters sharp blades more exaggerated than the heavy sword warrior's battle blade.

And its level 15 physique gave it supremely paralyzing strength.

Killing a wyvern was like killing a chicken!

The extraordinary hunter would slaughter the wyvern that rushed out from the underground space on the spot.

No power could stop the extraordinary hunter.

It waited until the opponent's controller, a level 13 half-snake man, appeared.

He then slightly diverted its attention.

The dark gargoyles could only slaughter troops unilaterally without air control.

As expected, the situation quickly changed.

The enemy wanted to escape...

However, since their prey had already appeared, how could it let them leave?

The yellow sand covered the passage and completely blocked their escape route.

The Twilight City troops that swarmed over erupted with powerful battle strength.

The battle directly entered a white-hot state.

However, one had to say that even if they lost air control and the sand condensation archers and undead soldiers crazily attacked them, these dungeon race soldiers were still ferocious.

When they realized there was no hope of escaping, the level 13 four-armed half-snake man led the remaining troops and charged forward.

They swore to create a gap in the front.

At this moment, the blood-colored mummy, the cannon fodder troop, was the first to clash with these half-snake people.

Under the leadership of the four-armed half-snake man, its explosive attacks were paramountly lacerating.

The blood-colored mummy was cut into pieces when it came into contact with them. The difference in strength was too significant, and it was impossible to contend against them.