Chapter 36: Magic Weapons and New Pyramids

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


[Ding~ The items you put up as rewards have been dealt with. You have lost 12 desert horses and obtained the spring water fragments *4.]

Richard saw the reward message in the morning as soon as he opened the [Forum Chat]. At this time, there was already a deal.

But this time, he was not as lucky as last time. All he got were spring water fragments.

But even so, he was so satisfied.

Because in this way, since he had six fragments of spring water in his hands, Richard could directly combine the fragments into two springs.

It was already laborious for that poor well to provide for a hundred people.

Now, there were 150 more people, which was simply critical.

The water consumed every day was almost beyond the well's supply.

Now that he has these two springs, Richard can finally solve this serious problem.

However, just as he took out the spring water fragments and was about to combine them, a notification appeared in the Black Gold System.

[Spring Water Fragments - Three pieces combined into a 1-star treasure: Spring Water]

[Ten pieces combined into a 2-star treasure: Medium-scale Spring Water]

[Thirty pieces combined into a 3-star treasure: Large-scale Spring Water.]

Richard was startled when he saw the information that suddenly appeared. It was pleasantly a bombshell.

"A treasure also could be combined?"

This hint temporarily caused Richard to set aside the idea of directly combining water fragments.

Although a 1-star spring water was sufficient, it might not be long before it reached a situation, where water became insufficient, once his city expanded.

Since that was the case, it would be better to upgrade spring water immediately to medium-scale.

This could at least support thousands of people, right? Richard wouldn't have to think about this problem again soon.

He glanced at the information on the reward column about the unsold items.

[20 desert horses - for 1-star treasure: Russian Olive Seeds]

[20 desert horses - for a special delicacy: Desert Honey]

[20 desert horses - for purchase of resources and treasures (not limited to types). Note: The deal requires the consent of the party offering the reward.]

After Richard thought for a while, he removed the information about the reward for desert honey that was still hanging. He continued to use the 20 desert horses to trade for spring water fragments.

Merchant Onyx from the Phoenix-Tail Flower Chamber of Commerce had never even heard of the desert honey. The number of desert honey was pitifully few without even thinking about it.

It was not too late to offer the reward when the food was sufficient. Richard had to deal first with the most urgent matter.

At the same time, he took out a portion of the prey he had hunted today and exchanged it for 20,000 units of resources.

Including the prey he had sold during the hunt, Richard now had 30,000 total units of resources in his hands.

However, the amount didn't seem like it was enough to cultivate a rare-level troop lair.