Chapter 41: Soul Execution

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


When Richard returned to the front, his eyes were filled with delight.

The Axe of the Dead was a vicious troop that struck his heart.

However, the only problem was that the enemy had three and a half small troops and 35 people.

The tomahawk still dealt magic damage when thrown. The enemies restrained the mummy and the scorpion warrior’s Sand Transformation.

Moreover, the opponents were undead and were immune to curses. It made the Curse of the Pharaoh lose its effect.

Now, only Crowd Control was left to use…

This disadvantageous situation forced Richard to think seriously.

“I can’t let the undead soldier throw the tomahawk. Otherwise, the mummies and the scorpion warriors won’t be able to hold on. I can’t let the opponent’s Soul Execution trigger either. The 30% chance is too terrifying and starkly unbearable.”

Richard pondered, “If we launch an attack directly, we’ll have to pay a heavy price even if we win. There’s no need to sacrifice ourselves in vain. Close combat and killing them one by one are the ideal methods… Perhaps, we can lure the tiger away from the mountains and surround them for reinforcements. We can cultivate the path in the open and sneak in the dark. I just don’t know if we could easily lure these troops away…”

After thinking for a moment, Richard gradually arrived at a clear idea. As he planned carefully, he began to give orders.

“Everyone, listen up! Retreat 500 meters over there…”

After detailed instructions, the mummies, cursed pharaohs, and scorpion warriors immediately moved. Richard also withdrew from the battle range.

He watched everything from afar and commanded remotely.

A small team of mummy guards was by his side.

As the ruler of Twilight City, his safety was always the most important thing.

If his troops lost, they would be gone, but he could still spend resources to recruit more. If anything happened to him, the leader, the troop would truly be gone.

This kind of battle was too close. Wouldn’t he directly fly into the sky if a tomahawk hit him?


A few minutes later.

The undead soldier numbly paced back and forth. It suddenly noticed that scorpion-faced life forms had appeared on the opposite hill.

When the undead soldier saw them, it seemed stunned for a moment before a mocking expression appeared on its face.

It turned around, and the scorpion’s curved tail slowly straightened.

The stinger on its tail hooked towards the undead soldier…

For unknown reasons, the undead soldier immediately felt like something had exploded when it saw the scorpion warrior’s action.

It felt insulted like never before.

“Damned lowly life forms!!”

They spat out a series of curses.

They abruptly turned their heads to look at their companions as they burned with anger. They then instantly reached a tacit understanding.

A whole team of tomahawks charged over.