Chapter 92: Recruitment of Mummies, Using the Methods of the Undead

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation.


When Richard came to the cave full of corpses, he was in high spirits.


These corpses probably were left for the Lich Lord. After its resurrection, they would be able to form an undead troop as soon as possible.

One chain after another.

However, these arrangements have become his trophies after they have been inserted into his hands.

Gunter stood among the corpses, his body suffused with blood-colored energy.


It spat out a series of obscure incantations.

In an instant, the blood-red energy was released and spread out.It enveloped all the corpses.

A vast number of corpses were quickly weathered in this blood-colored energy as if stored for millions of years.

Richard keenly noticed that the weathered corpses emitted energy traces and fused into the blood-colored aura.

The bloody glow became even more profound as several corpses decayed.

'Crack! Crack!'

Over time, the corpses shattered like glass, and only 30 corpses remained intact.

It was only at this moment that blood-colored energy began to pour into the corpses.

Richard looked carefully. After the blood energy poured into the corpses, the scattered blood rays turned into strips of blood cloth that wrapped around the corpse.

They wrapped the corpses into mummies.

The conversion time did not last long when the last trace of blood-colored energy subsided.

The initially stiff corpses on the ground suddenly moved.

"Roar!" A low roar came from a throat. The sound was like a foreign object stuck in the throat. It was extremely harsh and unpleasant to the ears.

The scene was rather frightening.

In the next moment, the mummies wrapped in blood-colored cloth crawled up somewhat stiffly.

[Ding! Your hero unit - Gunter Fresh Blood has used the mummy recruitment spell. You have obtained three teams of blood-colored mummies (Elite 1-star).]

The soldiers recruited by the heroes would also be under Richard's name. He also had absolute control over them.

However, he had no interest in leading these recruited soldiers, so he directly returned the command to Gunter.

Then, he opened his stats panel curiously.

[Blood-Colored Mummy]

[Level: 1]

[Potential: Elite 1-star]

1. Body of Death (E-rank) - No fear of pain, no fear of death, and immune to poison, plague, and curses.

2. Blood Curse (E-rank) - When attacking an enemy, there is a 20% chance that the enemy will be cursed, and their strength will be reduced by 30%.]

[Race Talent: When fighting in the desert, stamina and recovery speed of injuries will be increased by 50%.]

1. When the number of mummies is greater than 10, the strength of all mummies will be increased by 10%.