Chapter 66: Mysterious Coffin, Lord's Talent Promotion

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


A huge oval-shaped underground space appeared in his line of sight.

It was more than 50 meters tall, and its diameter was more than a kilometer.

This underground space had a thick layer of white bones as if millions of people were buried there.

Countless skeleton warriors, zombies, ghosts, skeleton archers, and skeleton mages were on the ground of the white bones.

But the most surprising thing was the center.

There was a mountain peak made of countless white bones.

A black coffin was on the top of the mountain peak.

Mysterious, dark, and terrifying.

All the negative adjectives could not describe the visual impact of this scene.

Richard, who was greatly shocked, suddenly narrowed his eyes.

But when he came back to his senses, an uncontrollable excitement immediately rose in his heart.

What a good fellow, he had discovered a great treasure.

He took two deep breaths before he suppressed the excitement in his heart.

His thoughts whirled.

“There are probably more than three large teams of skeleton warriors stationed here. There is also at least one large team of zombies and ghosts. There are also four to five squadrons of skeleton archers and two to three squadrons of skeleton mages…”

Richard’s gaze turned solemn after he carefully sized them up.

The number of these undead tribes was simply ridiculous.

He would have to first annihilate this troop of thousands of undead tribes if he wanted to obtain that coffin…

At this moment, he noticed a new undead unit from the corner of his eye.

Under the mountain of white bones, the white bone knights riding on undead horses stood like statues.

These undead creatures were made entirely of white bones, and they carried a long white bone knight spear.

There were as many as five teams.

One of the squads even had a bone crown on its head.

Its aura was filled with pressure.

Richard subconsciously opened the opponent’s stats panel.

[Bone Knight Commander]

[Level: 5 (Elite soldier: Strength increases by 15%)

[Potential: Rare 2-stars]

1. Body of Bones (C-rank) — Immune to poison, curses, plague, and strength increases by 70%.

2. Charge (C-rank) — Drives the undead horse to charge at the enemy, and speed increases by 60%. Impact increases by 50%.

3. Combo (C-rank) — Attacks five times in a row in a very short period.

4. Heavy Slash (C-rank) — After charging up, uses the undead horse’s strength to launch a fatal attack, able to unleash 300% of its strength.]

[Race Talent: Running speed increases by 30%, impact increases by 30%.]

[Entrapment Charge:
1. When the charge distance is greater than 30 meters, collision force increases by 20%.