Chapter 38: How Dare You Touch My Daughter...

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


With the doubt that he did not notice the other players, Richard fell asleep.

There was too scant information, and Richard could not figure out why.

The next day, before he woke up, the leader of the fire dragon rabbit breeding base, Green Tooth, brought the other 19 desert gnome underlings and two bandaged mummies to the Russian olive forest.

“Great Lord, Green Tooth! Are we going to breed fire dragon rabbits here?”

Green Tooth, who was extremely skinny among the desert gnomes, turned his head to look at the green desert gnome who asked the question and spoke proudly.

“What do you know! Just follow me.”

“Also, remember, in the future, the word ‘great’ can only be used to address Lord Richard. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Lord Green Tooth!”

The group of desert gnomes quickly responded, and one of them asked with an apologetic smile.

“Lord Green Tooth, how should we address you then?”

Green Tooth thought for a moment, and its eyes lit up when it saw that its body was distinctly weaker than the other desert gnomes.

“In the future, you will address me as Strongest Lord Green Tooth!”

The group of desert gnomes was silent for three seconds, and then they looked at the two ferocious-looking mummies standing behind him, and suddenly became alert.

Each of them shouted louder than the last.

“Yes, Strongest Lord Green Tooth!”

Looking at his companions, who were all one head taller than him, Green Tooth was very satisfied.

With his hands behind his back, he strode forward and lectured the desert gnomes.

“Listen up, the great, noble, and benevolent Lord Richard bestowed me with a name and appointed me as the leader of the honorable fire dragon rabbit breeding base. This is a historic scene. This is an unprecedented opportunity for desert gnomes.

Green Tooth added, “Today, I will lead you to create a new situation for the breeding industry and lay the foundation for the future development of Twilight City. In the future, we, desert gnomes will become Lord Richard’s number one troop and sacrifice everything for him! I will let the reputation of the desert gnomes spread throughout the desert! No one can stop the rise of our desert gnomes… Applause!”

‘Clap! Clap! Clap!’

After a round of enthusiastic applause, Green Tooth waved his withered tree branch-like hand.

He led a group of desert gnomes to about 500 meters north of the Russian olive forest.

Looking at the dune depression in the middle of the dune depression in front of them, he nodded in satisfaction.

Green Tooth began to issue orders.

“The few of you, go, dig up the dragon leaf grass and plant the dragon leaf grass in this area. The few of you, go, fetch water and wet this entire area. The few of you, go, dig up the purple vines and thorns and surround the surrounding hills!”

He reminded, “Remember, we must complete the mission today. We must not let Lord Richard down!”

Green Tooth was awe-inspiring as he proudly commanded its underlings.