Chapter 53: Surprise of the Desert Bees

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


If Richard recruited all the new troops, the number of soldiers in his hands would explosively increase.

Bandaged Mummy could recruit 21; Poisonous Scorpion Warrior could recruit 7; Cursed Pharaoh could recruit 5; Axe of the Dead could recruit 5, and Guardian Pharaoh Mummy could recruit 30.

The total would be 68!!

There were nearly seven teams.

It was a massive amount of money.

Richard took a lot of effort to suppress the excitement in his heart.

However, to recruit all 68 troops, he needed a lot of resources.

The Bandaged Mummy recruitment requirements were 40 gold coins, 40 units of wood, and 40 units of stone.

Twenty-one were gold coins, wood, and stone with 1640 units each, for a total of 4920 units of resources.

The Poisonous Scorpion Warrior recruitment requirements were 40 gold coins, 40 units of wood, and 40 units of iron ore.

That would be 7, for a total of 840 units of resources.

The Cursed Pharaoh would be 5, for a total of 600 units.

The Axe of the Dead would be 5, for 6000 units.

And the Guardian Pharaoh Mummy, 30, for 3600 units.

These would total 15,650.

After some calculations, Richard could not help but sigh. No wonder people said that money builds troops.

Five rare-level undead soldiers consumed 6,000 units of resources, which was two-thirds of the total resources of all the other branches of the troop.

Just a few dozen branches of the troop were already so expensive. In the future, when the ranks of the branches are higher, the prices will be even more exaggerated.

However, he was still a tycoon with 120,000 units of resources, so he was not worried at all.

Richard stood up and left happily. He recruited all the new troops.

After he spent 15,000 units of resources, his strength soared.

Bandaged Mummy — 51.

Poisonous Scorpion Warrior — 20.

Cursed Pharaoh — 15

Axe of the Dead — 15

Guardian Pharaoh Mummy– 90.

The total number of soldiers had reached 191, close to two squadrons.

“In the future, when we go out to hunt, we can leave behind all the bandaged and guardian mummies.

“This power is enough to ensure the safety of Twilight City.”

The pressure in Richard’s heart relaxed quite a bit.

He set aside the troop that stayed behind. The number of soldiers brought out to scan the map had also reached five squadrons.

The strength of the iron mine soared further.

“I can go and try to raid the medium-sized gold mine tomorrow. I wonder if I can still obtain some treasures like treasure maps after killing those half-metal giants with full defense.”

The rapid growth of his strength brought Richard one step closer to raiding those high-level maps.

The one-way portal’s 1-star dungeon with an average strength of rare level;