Chapter 186: The Road Never Imagined, the Hero Training Program

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


The rise of Lucy as a hero was a shock to Richard.

It also gave him additional ideas.

If heroes can be born, why not increase the training?

Although the process of how to be born is not controllable, it can guide or shape the corresponding environment, which is more suitable for the birth of heroes.

After Richard thought about it, he felt that they could do this.

For example, some industries could hold seminars regularly.

Some experienced people could take the lead and share their experiences with the younger generation. They would promote and improve together.

It was highly ordinary on Planet Blue. But not in the “Shining Era”. Technology and craftsmanship were the bread and butter. Who would be open to others’ learning?

There was no such environment.

What he needed to do was to create such an environment.

Once communication started, learning from each other would speed up the industry’s technological progress.

Under such an atmosphere, wouldn’t the probability of a talented resident becoming a hero be better than learning by himself?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was a good idea.

Not only could he create such an environment, but he could also guide the residents of the entire territory to participate in learning.

At present, many of the residents of the territory were illiterate and could not read at all.

This added another layer of restrictions to the already difficult-to-produce heroes.

Education changed lives.

A great man could create such a feat as a literacy class in difficult times. Now that his environment was stable, he could learn from this advanced experience.

After he thought for a while, he asked the maid next to him to bring a pen and paper.He asked to put the idea in his mind into writing.

The first was the industry seminar. It was held every three days or once a week.

In the beginning, the teacher leads the team to share experiences and solve problems.

In the later stages, they could discuss some questions together. They could formulate some rules for the production of items…

The second focused on talent cultivation.

Those who were up-and-coming talented could focus on training and more resources to tilt. All was to cultivate heroes.

The third was to open literacy classes so that everyone in the territory could learn and those who engaged in technical work could read and write without barriers.

The fourth was to assist the highly skilled masters in composing and recording their experiences into books for others to learn.

He also had to write basic technical introductory books so the apprentices could quickly grasp the basic knowledge.

They could include practical knowledge and helpful experiences various masters had discovered. They could reward those who provide experiences to improve their enthusiasm.

The fifth…

Richard did not stop. He wrote more than twenty articles in total.

Some were sudden ideas, and some were ideas after deep thought.