Chapter 33: Harvest and A Lair of Fat Rabbits

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


When the scorpion warrior charged forward with its pincers and curved tail, the body of the fire dragon rabbit suddenly burst into flames, turning into a huge fireball.

Not only did it not retreat, but the rabbit launched a counter-charge instead.

Its speed was like lightning that streaked across the sky.

Wherever it passed, the fireball left a scorched mark on the ground.

Those sharp-clawed halflings were mixed in the middle. They were so scared they almost peed their pants. They did not even turn their heads as they walked into the distance.

Neither side paid any attention to those fellows. They aimed their targets at the real enemies.

After a few breaths, both sides collided.

The iron pincers that the scorpion warrior waved were about to shatter even the huge rocks.

However, the fire dragon rabbit was extremely agile. It quickly turned and dodged.

The flames on its body exploded like gasoline.


The orange-red flames enveloped the scorpion warrior.

Even though the scorpion warrior did not feel any pain, it still felt intense discomfort.

Its soul was warning it.

The scorpion tail that was bent like a bow shot out like an arrow, trying to intercept the enemy.

However, the fire dragon rabbit was swift. With a kick of its hind legs, it dodged the moment the scorpion warrior launched an attack.

It also used its extremely agile characteristic to move around in the surroundings. It relied on the flames burning on its body to deal damage. It did not engage in a head-on clash with the scorpion warrior at all.

The scorpion warrior, which was extremely powerful in close combat, kept launching attacks, but it was unable to achieve any results.

However, the scorpion warrior was indeed worthy of being an undead creature. Its flesh was so thick that it made people’s scalps go numb.

No matter how the fire dragon rabbit burned it with flames, it still stood upright.

The unique characteristic of a battle between crispy skin and flesh was that flesh could make countless mistakes. But if crispy skin made one mistake…it would be death.


When the scorpion warrior stopped the fire dragon rabbit once again, its tail stabbed out at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

Although the fire dragon rabbit had sensed the danger in time and avoided the frontal attack, it was still inevitably grazed by the scorpion’s tail.

And this was enough…

In a few seconds, the fire dragon rabbit that had just escaped suddenly stiffened. After twitching a few times, it directly fell into the yellow sand.

The scorpion tail contained its great killing weapon—lethal poison.

After a period of stalemate, the scorpion warrior finally made progress.

The fire dragon rabbit was either killed by the iron pincers or stabbed by the scorpion tail. The number of fire dragon rabbits was rapidly decreasing.