Chapter 8: Unexpected Gains (Treasure Chest)

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


As undead creatures, mummies only had to worry about their heads.

Unless their heads were blown off, they could not be killed.

After the 14 mummies were attacked, they let out terrifying growls and sped up.

They charged into the iron mine with arrows.

When Richard saw this, he immediately ordered 13 laborers to follow. He then waited.

As a lord, he naturally had his way of playing. The correct strategy was to sit at the back and command the army to fight.

Leading the charge was a little too stupid. Wouldn’t it be a waste to be killed by the enemy’s concentrated fire?

With so many mummies that were stronger than him around, he did not lack combat strength even if he did not even have weapons.

Although the iron mine was not high, the complicated terrain still blocked his view. Richard could not see the specific situation of the battle.

However, it was not too difficult for the 14 Elite-level 1 mummies and 13 long-armed laborers to attack a small-scale resource point together.

A few minutes later…

The sound of the system’s upgrade rang out.

[Ding~ The army you led annihilated a group of desert bandits and obtained victory in a small-scale battle. You have gained 36 experience points, and your level has increased.]

Thereafter, Richard felt a warm current rising from all over his body as if he was soaked in hot water and kneaded by a specialist.

He could sharply feel his muscles and bones absorbing the warm current.

After a moment, the warm current disappeared.

Richard felt that his body was filled with an indescribable power as if he could kill a calf with a single punch.

He clenched his fist and made cracking sounds.

“Is this leveling up? Isn’t this awesome? It’s even superior to a 5,000-hour massage from a specialist…”

[Ding~ Do you want to occupy the iron mine?]

“Occupy it.”

After Richard made his choice, he was in a great mood. He stepped on the dry and hard ground and entered the iron mine.

The thick smell of blood gradually assaulted his nose, and the deeper he went, the thicker it became.

After a few steps, Richard saw the image of a desert bandit covered in blood, with a crossbow in his hand and a dagger at his waist, falling into the iron mine.

These desert bandits were covered in scars left by the mummy’s sharp claws. Their flesh and blood were rolling around, making them look rather terrifying.

Richard frowned slightly. He still felt a little uncomfortable about this. However, compared to when he had just killed the gnolls, his psychological endurance had increased by a lot.

Step by step, he stepped into the center of the iron mine.

Seeing Richard appear, the mummy and the laborers immediately surrounded him.

“Great Lord! These damn desert bandits have all been killed! Your light has already enveloped this iron mine!”

The mummy could not speak, but the long-armed laborers were still very happy to show off their achievements in front of their new lord.