Chapter 71: The Tyranny of A-Rank Hero

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


Richard stood up and looked ahead. He saw the entire desert sink and formed a wide valley.

Pronouncedly, the collapse just now had caused great damage.

Fortunately, this was a desert. It didn’t matter even if it pierced through the sky.

After Richard led the troop out of depression from the sunken desert area, he saw Gray beside him, and his mood improved again.

Although he had encountered such a thrilling scene today, his gains were also heaven-defying.

First of all, the Poisonous Scorpion Warriors and the Axe of the Dead had both been promoted to level 6. This activated the additional characteristics of an elite soldier that greatly increased their strength.

Secondly, under the prompt of the Black Gold System, Richard had obtained a superb helper hero—Gray, the cursed mage.

The attributes of an A-rank hero could only be described as amazing. Just this hero alone had earned him ten or a hundred times more from this expedition.

In a delighted emotional state, Richard immediately returned to Twilight City with his troop.

The desert at night was not a safe place.

Richard was not interested in taking the risk of scanning the map at night. He followed the system map and proceeded forward.

However, Richard felt that something was not right after he had walked for less than ten minutes.


When his voice fell, the surroundings became silent.

It seemed his caution was superfluous.

But Richard still did not relax at all. His eyes were as sharp as the falcon. In less than a minute, rustles incessantly sounded.

The sound of footsteps was gradually heard from a dune.

In a moment, pairs of green eyes appeared from the darkness.

Wild wolves about the size of bison could be seen under the moonlight.

However, these wolves were different from the desert wolves that Richard had met before.

Their auras were countless times stronger, and their appearance was extremely hostile. Richard’s troops felt a strong sense of oppression as the unknown enemies watched.

[Desert Warg]

[Level: 5 (Elite soldier, strength increases by 15%.)]

[Potential: Rare 1-star]

1. Encirclement (C-rank) — Able to encircle and kill prey with tacit understanding, movement speed increases by 30%, strength increases by 30%.

2. Pounce (C-rank) — Strength increases by 50% when attacking prey.

3. Sharp Claws and Teeth (C-rank) — Sharpness of claws and teeth increases by 50%, able to cause armor-piercing damage to light armor targets.

4. Ferocity (C-rank)– Not afraid of death, once aimed at a target, it will not rest until death. The more serious the damage received, the fiercer the explosive attack.]

[Race Talent: When in group battles, strength increases by 30%, agility increases by 30%.

[Fetter-Wolf Pack:
1. When the number of desert wargs is greater than 10, strength increases by 10%, agility increases by 10%.