Chapter 175: A Contract with the God's Ancient Tree, Additional Surprises and Re

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


He placed the god’s ancient tree into his bag just as he was about to end this long battle of attrition.


The earth trembled, and dozens of enormous roots violently pulled out of the sand.

Dust flew all over the sky.

The 30-meter-tall god’s ancient tree suddenly rose to 40 meters high.

The roots beneath it were like legs that supported the weight of the tree trunk as they began to move outward…

The god’s ancient tree…was running away?

Although he knew that the god’s ancient tree could move, to see a tree running away still made him feel a little out of place.

Richard took a deep breath. He immediately gave the order.

“Continue to attack. The sand condensation archers and the undead soldiers will suppress it. We must not give this human-faced giant tree a chance to catch its breath!”

Due to the death of the poisonous wasps, the god’s ancient tree no longer had any means to deal with them. They constantly beat it up.

However, the more it was like this, the more tempted it was.

It could withstand over ten hours of hysteria bombardment from him and over a hundred troops.

How many lives of the same level could do this?…

“Twilight City is your final destination.”

The god’s ancient tree needed a large-scale troop to unleash its true power.

Richard’s eyes were burning.

To plant this tree in Twilight City was ultimately a matter of great significance.

A yellow sand-like light flashed, and its body floated in the air as it immediately followed.

The god’s ancient tree sensed Richard’s aura approached. Its twisted human face stared fixedly at the human it hated so much.

Like a long gray snake,the twisted human-faced giant tree lashed out at Richard with several grains of sand.


They could hear a strong sound of torn-apart air. This attack could probably shatter the city wall!

Richard dodged lightly and avoided the terrifying attack.

Then, he stretched out his hand. Endless sandstorms enveloped the god’s ancient tree again.


Flames rose.

Scorching sandstorms enveloped this boss once again.

The god’s ancient tree did not know how many times it had suffered such damage.

It could still withstand it at the beginning. But the enemy’s attacks were too concentrated and violent.

That also destroyed the land that stored energy. It has unduly exhausted.


Amidst the flames that filled the sky and the endless sandstorm.

The enormous figure slowly collapsed.


It crashed into the sand with a muffled sound.

This left an exaggerated mark on the sand.