Chapter 93: How Could The Lord of Another Plane Be So Powerful?!

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


But just as Old Pastor John finished speaking, a voice came from outside.

"Barry and Lucy are back!!!"

Jill immediately stood up in surprise. "They are back?"


He was excited and about to run out, but he suddenly thought of something. He hurriedly stopped and looked at Old Pastor John and the two church knights beside him.


John frowned.

Then, he relaxed.

"Let's go and take a look. That Desert Lord must have escaped back."

He had thought the demons had starkly annihilated the other party. He did not expect that there would still be a few who escaped.

His luck was not bad.

The church knight behind him was still angry that the other party had acted recklessly. The church knight immediately sneered and said, "It's best if there are a few more who survived. Don't we still have to deal with the rest? Where did this other world lord come from? It's truly bad luck."

Thinking about how he had to deal with the mess the demon was angered by, his anger immediately rose.

"When I see that bastard, I'll surely let him know the rules.

"No matter which plane he's the Lord of, when he comes to White Tower Town, he has to abide by our rules!"

Old Pastor John shook his head. He was a little annoyed, so he did not stop him.

"Let's go."

Jill could not care less. When he heard John's words, he wanted to rush out immediately.

However, he had no choice but to be patient and lead the way for them.

When they walked out of the village, Jill immediately saw Barry holding hands with Lucy and talking to the other residents.

He felt relieved instantly.

He kept mumbling.

"Thank the gods, thank the gods!!"

At this moment, Barry also saw his father. His eyes reddened as he held Lucy's hand and walked in front of him.

"Father, I brought Lucy back..."

Jill's lips trembled as he patted Barry's shoulder.

"It's good that you're back. It's good that you're back!!!"

As he said that, he seemed to have remembered something. "How did you guys escape?"

At this moment, Old Pastor John and the two church knights had just walked out of the village and came to Jill's side.

"Father!" Barry said excitedly.

"Father, it's Lord Richard! Lord Richard led his army to break through the Demon Valley and annihilate those demons!"

When Old Pastor John and the two church knights heard this, their eyes were filled with disbelief and absurdity.

"That Desert Lord from another plane had led a squadron of soldiers to clean up the demons?"

"Are you kidding me? Have the demons bewitched you?"

Jill also found it hard to believe.

"Lord Richard has eliminated all the demons? Where is Lord Richard?"