Chapter 91: The Second Big Harvest, The Powerful Dark Gargoyle

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


Richard opened the attribute panel of the Dark Gargoyle’s lair. And sure enough, there were changes.

The seal of the Dark Gargoyle’s lair had disappeared, and the last attribute made Richard feel even better.

[Note: At present, the gargoyles have consumed enough to recruit. Within three days, each dark gargoyle only needs to consume ten units of the gemstones to recruit.]


Was there such a good thing?

These benefits were probably prepared for Lich’s resurrection. Now, they were all cheaper for him.

With intense excitement, he chose to recruit.

[Ding~ Do you want to consume 400 units of gemstones to recruit gargoyles * 40?]

Richard confirmed everything after the notification sounded.

Only 350 of the 750 units of gemstones remained on the panel in an instant.


In the next second, the chest of the gargoyle statue in front of him suddenly split open.

A hideous head emerged within. Then, with both hands that supported the left and right sides and with great force, its body crawled slowly.


When the last tail appeared, it suddenly spread its closed wings.

An overbearing dark gargoyle appeared in front of Richard.

The dark gargoyle was a miniature version of the statue. Its muscles were like steel, filled with streamlined strips.

Its body stood upright and reached at least three meters tall.

Its four limbs had claws that were sharper than razors. Even a warrior’s shield would not be able to withstand their attacks.

Its wings were bent, and the front part of its body had sharp thorn-like blades. It made people understand that this was distinctly not a decoration.

Barbs grew on the elbows, knees, and shoulders. Every part of the body seemed to be born for slaughter.

The appearance of this legendary soldier was quite impressive.

[Dark Gargoyle]

[Level: 5 (Elite soldier, strength increases by 15%.)

[Potential: Rare 3-stars]

1. Obsidian Body (B-rank) — Special body structure can make gargoyles immune to magic damage and Instant Death skills but can not be blessed by gain magic.

2. Stone Statue Form (B-rank) — Can turn into a statue, unable to move or attack, defense increases by 500%, restores 10% health per minute. Cooldown Time: 30 seconds.

3. Giant Strength (B-rank) — Special structure allows it to possess extraordinary strength, strength increases by 100%.

4. Steel Crusher (B-rank) — Special forged claws can pierce thick armor and magic shields. Sharpness increases by 70%. Sturdiness increases by 70%.

5. Extreme Swift Flight (C-rank) — Agility increases by 40%. Speed increases by 40%.]

[Race Talent: Able to resist armor penetration and pierce damage. Defense increases by 50%.]