Chapter 51: Another Violent Soldier (The Guardian Mummy)

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


After Richard figured out the key, he was in a good mood.

“Karu, hold an awarding ceremony tomorrow. Let all who participated in the search and rescue mission go on stage to accept the reward…

“Tonight, ask the tailor to find some red cloth and make big red flowers. If the cloth is not enough, make smaller flowers, and participants will wear them on their chests.

“All the residents who participated in the search and rescue mission will be awarded the collective Bronze Medal of Twilight City…

“Write everyone’s name on a paper and award them with the bronze medal.

“In addition, get Adele to forge the bronze medal for me. Also, make designs for the silver, gold, and Lord’s medal, the highest honor of Twilight City.

“In the future, meritorious contributions will be awarded medals according to the degree of their contributions.

“The rewards are divided into collective and individual rewards. Missions with many participants will be awarded collective medals, and missions completed by individuals will be awarded individual medals.

“Residents who receive these medals will be given the title of honorary resident on their doorsteps. We can promote them first in the future.”

Richard changed the modern reward system that was hundreds of years old and moved it over.

“Each medal has a corresponding amount of material rewards. You can go down and study the specific amount.

“This system has just been established. There will surely be some deficiencies or areas that need to be supplemented. You should pay attention to it and compensate for it in the future.”

Karu was quite excited after listening to it.

“Lord Richard, your wisdom is enough to make the gods exclaim in admiration!!”

Other things were not so bad, but the group reward setting slightly surprised him.

It was a big event, so many people participated. And all of the participants contributed. You couldn’t say that everyone would be receiving an award, right? Wouldn’t that appear to be too simple?

The group reward solved this problem perfectly.

Richard didn’t overthink this. Twilight City was still very weak, so it was useless to set up a complicated system.

“How much of the prey did I bring home?”

Karu smiled. “There’s too much. I need more time.”

The food was complete, which made people feel very safe.

Richard nodded, got up, and walked out of the hall. He came to the occupied well.

At this time, there were two hundred people busy.

Those who boiled the water, peeled the skin, removed the internal organs, and cut the meat had their duties. They handled the piled-up prey at an extremely swift speed.

They piled up the cut and washed meat on the washed ground.

The meat would then be cooked and then dried. This way, they could preserve them for an extremely long time in the dry environment of the desert.

It was how they made the dry food for long trips.

Looking at the pile of meat, Richard thought for a while and opened the [Trading Market].