Chapter 62: The Military Troop Lair Upgrade

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


“Ah, this is just the beginning of research and development?”

Richard was stunned for a moment before he reacted. This fellow had taken off his pants so quickly that he didn’t even have time to react…

After he read the notifications a few more times, he gradually began to savor them.

“Five thousand gold coins, 5,000 units of wood, 20,000 units of iron ore…

“I didn’t expect that the first research would require 30,000 resources, and there were so many requirements.

“Fortunately, there’s no need for a one-time payment. We can start the research first and provide the follow-up resources gradually.

“But isn’t the chance of failure a bit too much?”

After Richard pondered for a while, he finally realized the value of an A-rank hero like Adele.

Hero characteristics: increases success rate by 30%. Increases research speed by 30%.

It was simply a godly skill.

Not only did it increase the research speed it also increased the success rate crazily.

One could imagine that in the future, in the research and development of high-level technology, the effect of this characteristic would be increasingly great.


After deeper thoughts for a while, Richard tried to change the research object to the Axe of the Dead.

Sure enough, the system notification said that he had to complete the research and development of the bandaged mummy before he could proceed with the next research and development.

However, the requirements for the research and development of the Axe of the Dead appeared.

[Basic Attack: Estimated development time: 10 days. Estimated Resources Required: 10,000 gold coins, 10,000 units of wood, and 50,000 units of iron ore. Success Rate: 70%.]

After Richard finished reading, he could only hold his forehead and sigh.

The research and development time of the Axe of the Dead had also increased to 10 days, and the resources required had soared to 70,000.

It was simply outrageous.

“The resources required for this research and development function will probably not be inferior to the upgrade of the troop’s lair.”

Another gold-swallowing tycoon.

Richard was both in pain and delight.

After the upgrade, the resources in his hands had bottomed out again.

He sighed helplessly. When would Twilight City be able to survive the decadent life of a landlord…

It seemed that he would have to start hunting again to earn some extra money.

“Lord Richard…”

At this moment, a call from behind shook him.

He turned around and smiled when he saw the person.

“Adele, what do you need from me?”

The girl who carried a huge copper hammer was in a good mood.

“Lord Richard, a special research room has appeared in the blacksmith shop. There are many tools inside.