Chapter 120: Inventory Check (Bountiful Harvest)

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Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation


Who would have thought this ruins expedition would yield such a massive harvest?

Glorious rank, these words were enough to represent everything.

The Fire Elemental Lord sensed the change in Richard's aura and slowly restrained the scattered flames.

The dark crystal floated down and returned to Gunter's hand.

Then, a red gemstone twice the size of the other fire elemental cores shattered the void and landed in front of Richard.

The high-level elemental language that was hard to forget after hearing it once sounded again.

"My name is Klose Flame. When you hold this fire elemental core and shout my name, no matter where you are, I will descend and shoot for you once."

"Young human, you have terror-stricken potential and talent. I hope you can survive in this world..."

Richard held the red gemstone in his hand and looked at the Fire Elemental Lord with a burning gaze.

"Lord Richard of Twilight City. Lord Klose, I accept your friendship."

"If you need my help in the future, regardless of whether it's for lack of resources or anything else, Twilight City will do its best."

"Trust me, you will be happy with what you've done today in the future..."

This fire elemental core could summon a Fire Elemental Lord to attack once. How exaggerated was a Level 18 Boss?

This was a powerful trump card that could intimidate most enemies in the early stages.

However, Richard was not satisfied with this. He saw more from it.

If he could maintain a relationship with this Level 18 Fire Elemental Lord, he might be able to obtain more benefits from the other party...

He was a lord of the fire elemental plane. There were too many implications in this.

For example, trade across planes...

Richard's words caused the Fire Elemental Lord to ponder.

Finally, the fire lord said slowly, "What I need isn't something you can obtain right now. Wait until you're strong enough."

Richard's lips curled up slightly.

That was exactly what he wanted to hear.

"Lord Klose, I believe that day won't be too far away."

The Fire Elemental Lord stared at Richard, who fearlessly face pressure and suddenly laughed loudly.

"I like your confidence, Lord Richard... I've memorized your name. Come find me when you've reached level 15."

[Ding ~ The Fire Elemental Lord's attitude towards you has increased to close.]

The system notification had just sounded.


Suddenly, they heard the sound of mountains and the earth toppling from the surroundings. A chill ran down Richard's spine, and the intense vibration of death rose in his heart...

Richard subconsciously turned his head to look at the passage that led to the depths.

He saw countless cracks spread out like spider webs on the wall. Faint blue magic runes continuously exploded...

The ruins were about to collapse!

The Fire Elemental Lord also sensed something wrong and waved its hand.